RJMetrics / sweet-liberty

A library for building database-backed RESTful services using Clojure

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Sweet-Liberty is a library for building database-backed RESTful services using Clojure. Its name derives from its two principle dependencies, HoneySQL, a declarative query string renderer, and Liberator, a library for building REST-compliant web applications.

Including Sweet-Liberty

Sweet-Liberty is available on Clojars at:

[com.rjmetrics.developers/sweet-liberty "0.1.3"]

Require with (require [com.rjmetrics.sweet-liberty.core :as sl)

Key Features

Sweet-Liberty powered endpoints support the following:

  • CRUD operations
  • field selection
    • eg ?_fields=id&_fields=name
    • Use query params to return only a selected subset of fields.
  • filtering
    • eg ?breed=corgi -- only return corgis
    • Use query params to filter out results that don't match specified conditions
  • paging
    • eg ?_page=2&_pagesize=10&_pagekey=created&_pageorder=desc
    • Use query params to only return one page of results
  • expansion
    • eg ?_expand=owner -- would include data for the dog's owner in the dog object
    • Use query params to include data from referenced resources
    • Can significantly reduce number of requests client needs to make
    • Conceptually similar to doing a SQL JOIN, but between resources instead of tables
    • Requires additional configuration -- not as out-of-the-box as other features above

Required Middleware (important!)

Sweet-Liberty requires wrap-params in ring.middleware.params. This is built-in if you use lib-noir for your handler.

Example application


Table of Contents

Table of Contents generated with DocToc

API Documents

API documentation is generated using codox. You can generate it with lein doc.

Access doc/index.html in a browser to see the generated docs.

Built-in query parameter operations

An endpoint powered by Sweet-Liberty provides a number of operations by default. These can be accessed via query parameters in the request URL. Operations can by used in conjunction.

The following query string keys are reserved. If a resource has a field with the same name as any of these, filtering will not be available for that field.

_fields _page _pagesize _pagekey _pageorder _expand

Field Selection

Use query params such as these _fields=id&_fields=name&... to select only a subset of fields.

Example responseGET /dogs:

[{:id 1 :name "Fido" :breed "dachshund"}
 {:id 2 :name "Rex" :breed "chihuahua"}]

...and now with a field list GET /dogs?_fields=id&_fields=name:

[{:id 1 :name "Fido"}
 {:id 2 :name "Rex"}]


If a supplied query parameter is not reserved and matches a field name, it will be used as a filter condition. Applying filters to multiple fields will return the intersection (SQL AND) of the results. Specify multiple filters for a single field will return the union (SQL OR) of the results.

Example requests and responses are below.

GET /dogs?id=5&id=2

[{:id 2 :name "Lacy" :breed "corgi"}
 {:id 5 :name "Rex" :breed "chihuahua"}]

GET /dogs?breed=corgi

[{:id 2 :name "Lacy" :breed "corgi"}
 {:id 6 :name "Brody" :breed "corgi"}]

GET /dogs?id=5&breed=corgi []

Inequality operators are not supported at this time. :'(


The paging query parameters can be used to sort and divide the collection of records into pages and return only the page requested. Paging can only be performed on items that have been configured as a primary key or index, unless :ignore-index-constraint is true. See sweet-liberty configuration: indices for details.

Parameter Type Behavior
_page int Index of page to return. Uses zero-based offset.
_pagesize int Number of items per page.
_pagekey string Name of the column to sort by
_pageorder string (optional) Sort results in ascending ("asc") or descending ("desc") order. Ascending is the default.


It is common to have resources that reference, or are referenced by, other resources. A dog has an owner. An owner may have one or more dogs. A dog may have one or more puppies. (always spay or neuter your pets!) In a typical relational database scenario, if you wanted to merge data from more than one of these resources, you would likely use a SQL JOIN. But, Sweet-Liberty is designed for a world where that option is not available to you. Different resources might be managed by different teams, using different technologies, in different geographical locations. Sweet-Liberty's expansion operation lets you transcend those boundaries without putting the onus onto the client.

Here is an example request and response using an expansion:

GET /dogs?id=1&id=2&_expand=owner

[{:id 1 :name "Lacy" :breed "corgi" :owner {:id 8 :name "Josh"}}
 {:id 2 :name "Rex" :breed "chihuahua" :owner {:id 4 :name "Owen"}}]

See sweet-liberty configuration: expansion.

Configuring an Endpoint

An endpoint using Sweet-Liberty is created by:

  1. constructing a Sweet-Liberty configuration map
  2. passing that to sweet-liberty.core/make-resource, which yields a Liberator resource function
  3. and passing that to a compojure endpoint definition

The Sweet-Liberty configuration map has two top level properties:

  • :options
    • This contains all Sweet-Liberty specific configuration. See below for details.
  • :liberator-config
    • This contains a map that is used as the base Liberator configuration. Any configuration that you'd like to pass directly into Liberator should go here. Typically, this map will not have much, but the full Liberator API is available to you.

Liberator Configuration

As stated above, Liberator is used under the hood to provide HTTP and REST compliant behavior through its awesome decision graph. While it may not be strictly necessary to have knowledge of Liberator in order to use Sweet-Liberty, a little bit of understanding will take you a long way.

Sweet-Liberty allows you to fully leverage Liberator by leaving the Liberator configuration map exposed during route configuration.

To get started, your Liberator configuration can be as simple as the example below. This specifies that your endpoints should return data as json if the HTTP request specified that as an acceptable format.


{:available-media-types ["application/json"]}

If you do not need to customize Liberator in any way, just pass through an empty map {}.

Sweet-Liberty Configuration

This section describes the configuration values that can be set in the `:options' map. A useful convention is to separate resource-specific config from common config value and then merge the applicable maps on a per-route basis. As such, the configuration options are presented in two tables. The first contains values that are typically specific to a resource. The second contains values that are typically common across resources. Check out the example application for how you might organize this type of scheme, but, ultimately, those details are up to you.

Configuration options typically set on a per resource basis

Key Required? Type Description
:table-name Yes Keyword The name of the table to be queried.
:attributes Yes Vector of keywords These are the fields in the database table.
:primary-key Yes Keyword The column name of the primary key.
:indices No Vector of keywords A list of indexes on the table.
:ignore-index-constraint No Boolean If true, allows otherwise index/primary-key constrained operations to run on any column. Use with caution -- sorting by a field without an index can be slow and resource-intensive.
:defaults No Map Contains default filters. Expects {:[FIELD NAME] value}.
:conditions No Map of functions See condition configuration below.
:name-transforms No {:db-column-name :resource-attribute-name} Transform the keys of data going in or out
:query-transform No (fn [data context] ...) Transform any query data. Done during exists?
:input-transform No (fn [data context] ...) Transform data before it goes to the database
:output-transform No (fn [data context] ...) Transforms data on its way out, but before expansions occcur
:controller No (fn [data context] ...) Transforms data after expansion, before it's returned in the response.
:expansions No Map of maps See expansion configuration below.

Configuration options typically common to all resources and routes

Key Required? Type Description
:db-spec Yes Map The map should contain all information needed to connect to a database by JDBC. See db-spec example below.
:return-exceptions? No Boolean If this is true, internal sweet-lib exceptions with stack traces will be returned in responses. Otherwise, only a message indicating an internal sweet-lib error will be returned. Additionally, if this is true and if you have not set an exception handler using add-exception-handler, all exceptions will show a stack trace in the response. This should not be set to true in production.
:service-broker No Function A method to return a result from another service. This is only required if you want routes to support the expansion operation. A reference implementation of a service broker is available here on github.

Configuration options typically set on a per route basis

Key Required? Type Description
:url-params No Map If you have a route that appears like GET /item/:item-id [item-id], and the actual table id is :id, Sweet-Liberty won't be able to put two and two together. Spell it out by specifying {:url-params {:id item-id}}, where item-id is the value that has been extracted from the request url at run-time.

DB-spec Example

A clojure.java.jdbc compatible database connection map.

{:subprotocol "mysql"
 :user "username"
 :password "password"
 :subname "//localhost:3307/database-name"}


Conditions can be applied to Create, Update, and Delete operations. The keys will be appropriately used by add-post, add-delete, and add-put. For each method, you can apply a function both before or after the SQL operation is executed. If the function returns false, execution halts and an exception is thrown with ex-info. This exception is caught internally by Sweet-Liberty and yields a response with HTTP status 400.

Possible uses of using pre/post conditions would be cascading deletes, forcing creation of secondary entities, or updating multiple keys at once. If any secondary operation fails, you can bail out and notify the requesting user/program that something went wrong so they can retry.

The :before function will receive the current data and context. The :after function will receive the original data, the result of the operation, and the context.

Example config:

{:create {:before (fn [data context] ...)
          :after (fn [data result context] ...)}
 :update {:after (fn [data result context] ... )}
 :delete {:before (fn [data context] ...)}}

The before and after conditions have a signature of [data context] and [data result context] respectively. In each case, data will be the original resource value that was contained in the request. Result is only available to after conditions. Its contents depends on the http method of the request. For a PUT (UPDATE), the result will be the results record(s) selected from the database after the UPDATE statement was executed. For a POST (INSERT), result will equal the primary key id value of the newly created record.

Expansion Configuration

The expansion configuration specifies how to join one resource to another. The configuration includes:

  • the foreign resource name (which the service broker must understand)
  • a list of local and foreign key fields to bind on, and
  • a list of any headers that should be propagated from the original request to the expansion request. This comes in handy for cache control and authentication purposes.

Example expansion configuration:

{:owner {:join [:id :dog-id] ;; [local key, foreign key]
	 :action :get-single
         :headers [:cache-control]}

In the example above, making a request such as GET /dogs?id=1&id=2&_expand=owner, might result in a response such as the one below. For each dog object, the respective data for the owner has been retrieved and appended. Internally, Sweet-Liberty calls the service broker with all the relevant information about what resources need to be fetched. The resource name (:owner) and the action (:get-single) are unique values that the service broker needs to be configured to understand. The service broker carries out the actual communications and returns any responses it receives. Sweet-Liberty then merges those responses to form the full data set response.

[{:id 1 :name "Lacy" :breed "corgi" :owner {:id 8 :name "Josh"}}
 {:id 2 :name "Rex" :breed "chihuahua" :owner {:id 4 :name "Owen"}}]

A reference implementation of a service broker is available here on github.

Core Functions

You use the functions in the core namespace to compose an endpoint. The namespace contains a set of functions for assembling a configuration map. It also has a function, make-resource, that accepts a configuration map and returns a Liberator resource. This resource function orchestrates the processing of the HTTP request when the corresponding endpoint is called. Refer to the Liberator decision graph for more in-depth information on how Liberator does this.

To create this resource, typically you thread your base options through a series of functions. E.g.

(-> {:options ...
	 :liberator-config ...}
    (add-authorization some-auth-fn)

Below are descriptions of the functions availble in core that apply the various operations that Sweet-Liberty supports. All of these functions take a configuration map as the first parameter.


Checking whether a resource already exists in the database is a critical step for any of the actions a route may perform. Every route will require a call to add-exists in order to function.

Function Liberator Hooks Description
add-exists exists? Queries database for relevant resources. If field name is passed in as an argument, the query will use that field for the search condition.

Adding HTTP Methods

Function Liberator Hooks Description
add-get get Adds GET to the list of allowed methods.
add-post post! Performs a SQL INSERT when route receives a POST request. Resource values are read from the request body.
add-put put!, new?, can-put-to-missing?, response-with-entity? Performs a SQL UPDATE when route receives a PUT request. Resource values are read from the request body.
add-delete delete! Performs a SQL DELETE when route receives a DELETE request.

Adding Status Handlers

Function Liberator handler Description
add-ok-handler handle-ok Executes whenever an HTTP status 200 is returned. Responsible for applying output transforms, expansion, conditions and controllers. Takes a collection? argument which indicates whether to return a single entity or a collection of entities.
add-created-handler handle-created Executes whenever an HTTP status 201 is returned. It retrieves the newly created entity from the database and applies output transforms, conditions and controllers.

Other Stuff

Function Liberator handler Description
add-post&handler post!, handle-created Helper function that calls both add-post and add-created-handler.
add-authorization allowed? Sweet-Liberty requires that authorization (:allowed?) logic is explicitly set. This function takes either a function or a map of functions. In either case, the functions should be predicates (return boolean). In the case of a map, the keys should be HTTP methods (eg :GET) where the corresponding value is the appropriate function. If the function returns true, the request continues normally. Otherwise, a response of HTTP status 403 is returned.
add-exception-handler handle-exception Takes a Sweet-Liberty configuration map and a function. In the event of an exception, the function will be called and passed a context map, with the exception being associated to the :exception key.


In your routes, you can specify that the POST should be transformed and treated as a GET internally by using transform-post-to-get on the request.


(POST "/resource/:id/query" [id :as request]
  ((-> {:options .. :liberator-config ..}
   (transform-post-to-get request)))

Order of Operations

Below is the ordered list of operations that may be applied to a request, which ultimately yields the response.

  1. Authentication and authorization checks are executed.
    • set by add-authorization
  2. Existence check -- set by add-exists
    • Paging, field selection, filtering and query transforms occur here.
  3. Output Transforms are applied to any existing records retrieved.
    • If request is a GET, we are done. Response is returned. Otherwise, execution continues.
    • documentation
  4. Input Transforms are applied to incoming data.
  5. "Before" conditions are executed.
    • If the function returns false, an http status 400 will be returned.
    • documentation
  6. HTTP method specific function executes.
    • set by add-get, add-post, add-put or add-delete
    • Appropriate INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE sql statements will be executed against database at this step.
  7. Resulting records are read from database.
  8. "After" conditions are executed.
  9. Output transforms are applied to any out-going records.
  10. Expansions are executed and merged into result set.
  11. Controller executes
  12. HTTP status handler is executed here
    • set by add-ok-handler or add-created-handler
  13. Response is returned.

If an exception occurs that sweet-liberty itself throws, it uses ex-info to generate the exception. This exception info will be logged, and it will be returned in the response only if the return-exceptions? option is true in the sweet-lib config.

Logging with log4j

Sweet-Liberty has support for logging various events via log4j. You can include a log4j.properties file in your project in order to enable logging in Sweet-Liberty. Here's an example of what that might look like:

log4j.logger.com.rjmetrics.sweet-liberty=CONSOLE, DAILY

log4j.appender.CONSOLE.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ISO8601} %p %t %c{1}.%M %m%n

log4j.appender.DAILY.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ISO8601} %p %t %c %m%n%n


A library for building database-backed RESTful services using Clojure

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Clojure 100.0%