rjaros / kvision-examples

KVision examples

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Gradle continuous run don't work in most of the examples

RavMazurek opened this issue · comments


1.Download examples
2.Open one of them
3.Run with ./gradlew -t run

Some of them works like intended - desktop or mini-template runs for me without problem/

In comparison with - addressbook-fullstack-spring-boot/addressbook-fullstack-ktor/template-fullstack-ktor I get this:
Task 'run' not found in root project 'template-fullstack-ktor'.

For fullstack projects you need to use different task name - frontendRun.
Check: https://kvision.gitbook.io/kvision-guide/6.-full-stack-development-guide/setting-up-1


Ah, I don't know how I missed this - works like a charm now, thanks