rizhenkov / var_dump_bot

Connector for Telegram debug bot (@var_dump_bot)

Home Page:https://debug.tbot.me/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

var_dump bot connector

Simple connector for Telegram debug bot: @var_dump_bot

Bot supports all types of PHP variables, which can be serialized to JSON. See more information on the official webpage.

Currently we have only PHP library.

NodeJS connector in roadmap (if you want to help with development, create pull request).

Getting started with PHP library

  • Download the latest version
  • Unpack and place to your project with other classes
  • Place secret.txt into folder where library located
  • (optional) if your project don't have autoload, don't forget to require. Example: require_once "./lib/VarDumpBot.php";

Error and exception handlers

You can use that bot library as handler for errors and exceptions. To enable that feature, include library in your project as described above and register handlers (or one):

  • set_error_handler(array('VarDumpBot', 'error_handler'), E_ALL);
  • set_exception_handler(array('VarDumpBot', 'exception_handler'));

Also you can put an exception handler to try/catch blocks. Example:

try {
    // your_code_here
} catch(Exception $e){

Sending info directly

Of course, you may not use that library for sending commands to bot. You may send directly POST requests to our API endpoint: https://debug.tbot.me/ping with fields:

  • key — secret phrase of your project
  • data — json serialized variable
  • trace (not necessarily) — json serialized array of call stack info ['file', 'line', 'class', 'method']

(see connector PHP class source code for get an example)


Connector for Telegram debug bot (@var_dump_bot)


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:PHP 100.0%