rixx / ansible-nginx-base

Ansible role to install nginx with current security rules, including also an UFW rule.

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A role to install nginx, including sensibly secure configuration according to latest Mozilla guidelines, and an UFW rule. Works with Debian, Ubuntu, and Arch Linux.

Role Variables

  • mozilla_configuration: modern|intermediate|old (default: modern). This is one of the three possible Mozilla recommendated SSL configuration levels, as can be seen here (including compatible systems): https://statics.tls.security.mozilla.org/server-side-tls-conf.json
  • nginx_user: http: This variable is OS specific and defined in vars/$os.yml
  • nginx_dhparams_path: /etc/ssl/nginx.dhparams
  • nginx_dhparams_size: 4096
  • nginx_hsts: false: Set to true to enable HSTS.
  • nginx_hsts_age: 15768000: Set HSTS protection age in seconds.
  • nginx_sites_path: /etc/nginx/sites
  • nginx_worker_processes: false: Set to true to enable auto worker processes.
  • nginx_global_custom: A string to be included on the uppermost config level, next to the http directive.
  • nginx_acme_challenge: true: Provide an acme challenge configuration, when nginx_base_conf in deployed.
  • nginx_acme_challenge_path: /usr/share/nginx/letsencrypt: Poing acme challenges here.
  • nginx_acme_redirect: true: Redirect to another server on incoming acme challenges. Mutually exclusive with nginx_acme_challenge
  • nginx_ufw_path: /etc/ufw/applications.d: The ufw application config path
  • nginx_base_conf: true: apply template/nginx-base.conf with redirect to https etc..

Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

- hosts: servers
     - { role: rixx.ansible-base, x: 42 }



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Ansible role to install nginx with current security rules, including also an UFW rule.