rive-app / rive-react

React runtime for Rive

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Failed to fetch in Nextjs

ivajo26 opened this issue · comments

I was working with version 0.0.22 but when updating to version 3.0.0 I get this error. I am using NextJs.


 8;for(var l=0;l<g;l++){var h=D[n+l],p=sc[b];0===h||10===h?((1===b?ua:xa)(Ca(p,0)),p.length=0):p.push(h)}e+=g}I[d>>2]=e;return 0},A:function(){}};
  121 | (function(){function b(e){k.asm=e.exports;za=k.asm.N;Ra();Sa=k.asm.T;Ua.unshift(k.asm.O);Xa--;k.monitorRunDependencies&&k.monitorRunDependencies(Xa);0==Xa&&(null!==Ya&&(clearInterval(Ya),Ya=null),Za&&(e=Za,Za=null,e()))}function a(e){b(e.instance)}function c(e){return cb().then(function(f){return WebAssembly.instantiate(f,d)}).then(function(f){return f}).then(e,function(f){xa("failed to asynchronously prepare wasm: "+f);ta(f)})}var d={a:wc};Xa++;k.monitorRunDependencies&&k.monitorRunDependencies(Xa);
> 122 | if(k.instantiateWasm)try{return k.instantiateWasm(d,b)}catch(e){return xa("Module.instantiateWasm callback failed with error: "+e),!1}(function(){return ya||"function"!==typeof WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming||$a()||L.startsWith("file://")||"function"!==typeof fetch?c(a):fetch(L,{credentials:"same-origin"}).then(function(e){return WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(e,d).then(a,function(f){xa("wasm streaming compile failed: "+f);xa("falling back to ArrayBuffer instantiation");return c(a)})})})().catch(ba);
      |                                                                                                                                                  ^
  123 | return{}})();k.___wasm_call_ctors=function(){return(k.___wasm_call_ctors=k.asm.O).apply(null,arguments)};var tb=k._free=function(){return(tb=k._free=k.asm.P).apply(null,arguments)},vc=k._malloc=function(){return(vc=k._malloc=k.asm.Q).apply(null,arguments)},sb=k.___getTypeName=function(){return(sb=k.___getTypeName=k.asm.R).apply(null,arguments)};k.___embind_register_native_and_builtin_types=function(){return(k.___embind_register_native_and_builtin_types=k.asm.S).apply(null,arguments)};
  124 | k.dynCall_jiji=function(){return(k.dynCall_jiji=k.asm.U).apply(null,arguments)};var xc;Za=function yc(){xc||zc();xc||(Za=yc)};
  125 | function zc(){function b(){if(!xc&&(xc=!0,k.calledRun=!0,!Aa)){db(Ua);aa(k);if(k.onRuntimeInitialized)k.onRuntimeInitialized();if(k.postRun)for("function"==typeof k.postRun&&(k.postRun=[k.postRun]);k.postRun.length;){var a=k.postRun.shift();Va.unshift(a)}db(Va)}}if(!(0<Xa)){if(k.preRun)for("function"==typeof k.preRun&&(k.preRun=[k.preRun]);k.preRun.length;)Wa();db(Ta);0<Xa||(k.setStatus?(k.setStatus("Running..."),setTimeout(function(){setTimeout(function(){k.setStatus("")},1);b()},1)):b())}}

@ivajo26 Thanks for reporting - do you have a sample project to reproduce?

im using Tailwind in my project... wondering if my rending probem is related toi tailwind or maybe its like what Ivajo is dealing with?

Sorry for the delay - do you mind trying with the latest version? Additionally check out our new guidance on preloading WASM:

This will help especially in NextJS applications with loading in the WASM that is necessary to power Rive animations

It would be nice to have a next.js example app and some specific pages in the docs for next.js users since it's got a lot of adoption and many users will run into the same non-trivial issues with rive.

Also if you do happen to make an example with next.js could you include content security policy rules? The recommend guidance of using wasm-unsave-eval works in firefox but not chrome, brave, or safari. I assume they all will adopt this new rule but in the meantime it would be nice to have a recommended workaround from the rive team.

Experiencing same issue here, is there a specific loader we need to use for this?


Same issue here.
Neither importing as Rive or RiveComponent works, or importing as props or as a src, the riv files simply don't render.
I even tried the link "https://cdn.rive.app/animations/vehicles.riv" that appears in the Rive React guide and not even that renders.
Is there a proper REACT JS or NEXT JS loader ?
Maybe there's an objectiely simple and plain way but I cannot seem to find it.

Same issue here.
Neither importing as Rive or RiveComponent works, or importing as props or as a src, the riv files simply don't render.
I even tried the link "https://cdn.rive.app/animations/vehicles.riv" that appears in the Rive React guide and not even that renders.
Is there a proper REACT JS or NEXT JS loader ?
Maybe there's an objectiely simple and plain way but I cannot seem to find it.

I've managed to get it working in my own project like his:

import { useRive } from '@rive-app/react-canvas';

const Logo = () => {

const { RiveComponent } = useRive({

src: "/YourLogo.riv",

autoplay: true,

onLoadError: () => console.log("ERROR LOADING RIVE"),

onLoad: () => console.log("LOADED RIVE"),


return (

<div style={{ width: '100px', height: '100px' }}>

<RiveComponent />




//then in your page layout in the page.tsx you can place it as per usual:

return (

<div className="flex-1 flex flex-col w-full px-8 sm:max-w-md justify-center gap-2">


Just make sure to put the logo file(s) in a public folder. I'm using typescript, tailwind and App Router and I have the logo inside a public folder under the "app" folder. 

Thanks for your suggestion. Finally I was able to render a riv.file. I followed the logic of your code, I just had to add the 'use client' directive to the .tsx file that invoke the riv file.

I use CSP policy, but rive needs access unpkg.com