ritz078 / socialShare.js

A jquery plugin to provide more control on social sharing buttons. [DEPRECATED]

Home Page:http://riteshkr.com/socialShare.js

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A jquery plugin to provide more control on social sharing buttons. Do the styling without worrying about the javascript implementation.

Demo is available at http://rkritesh.in/socialShare.js



  • Full control over the design of the buttons.
  • No separate widget js loading for separate services.
  • Share counts of all supported services.
  • Easy to configure.

Getting Started

Download the production version or the development version.

Install from npm

npm install --save social-share-js

Install from bower

bower install --save social-share-js

Manual injection in your web page:

<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="dist/jquery.socialshare.min.js"></script>

##Simple Usage

This is the minimal configuration required to use the plugin

	image 			: 'image-url',
	twitterVia		: 'ritz078',
	twitterHashTags : 'javascript,jquery'

##Advanced Options

property default value Description
url current page url The url that will be shared
description current page meta tag description Can be set to be shared as description on twitter
title current page title Title that will be shared
counts true set to false to bypass http request to get the counts
twitter true set to false to disable
pinterest true set to false to disable
facebook true set to false to disable
linkedin true set to false to disable
image null url of the image that will be shared with the links
toWord true to convert count numbers into words eg: 12000 to 12K
twitterVia null string containing the via value for twitter sharing eg: 'ritz078'.Mandatory if twitter is set to true
twitterHashTags current page meta tag keywords comma separated values to be shared as hashtags in a single string.Mandatory if twitter is set to true.

##How to use ? You can use these 2 classes to make a class clickable(open share dialogue) and show the share counts.

  • [service]-share and
  • [service]-count

where [service] = twitter/facebook/pinterest/linkedin/gPlus

Just add them wherever you want to use them

Class Description example
[service]-share This is the class that becomes a link after clicking on which the sharing dialogue appears <div class="twitter-share"></div>
[service]-count Class in which the share count appears <span class="twitter-count"></span>

##Example Usage

  • HTML can comprise of any structure and tags
  • Just use the 2 types of class provided
<div class="element">
<!--===== this block will become clickable (shows the twitter share dialogue on click)
because of the class 'twitter-share'====-->
	<div class="twitter-share">
		<span>Share on twitter</span>
		<span class="twitter-count"></span> <!--====shows twitter share count==-->

	<!--===== this block will become clickable (shows the facebook share dialogue on click)
because of the class 'facebook-share'====-->
	<div class="facebook-share">
		<span>Share on Facebook</span>
		<span class="facebook-count"></span><!--=== shows facebook share count==-->

		image 			: 'image-url',
		twitterVia		: 'ritz078',
		twitterHashTags : 'javascript,jquery'

Demo is available at http://rkritesh.in/socialShare.js


MIT © Ritesh Kumar


A jquery plugin to provide more control on social sharing buttons. [DEPRECATED]



Language:JavaScript 80.2%Language:CSS 11.2%Language:HTML 8.6%