rishighan / threetwo-docker-compose

docker-compose configuration for ThreeTwo

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Preprocessor dependency "sass" not found

potter-jason opened this issue · comments

threetwo-ui       | ✓ 33 modules transformed.
threetwo-ui       | ✓ built in 776ms
threetwo-ui       | [vite:css] Preprocessor dependency "sass" not found. Did you install it? Try `npm install -D sass`.
threetwo-ui       | file: /threetwo/src/client/assets/scss/App.scss
threetwo-ui       | error during build:
threetwo-ui       | Error: Preprocessor dependency "sass" not found. Did you install it? Try `npm install -D sass`.

Hello all - I get the above error message toward the end of the docker compose build. After I configure the .env file, then run
env $(cat docker-compose.env | xargs) docker-compose up
However, I remove the dash between docker and compose, as I have docker-compose 2.

The docker process ensues, however; toward the end I get the error about the saas dependency. I ran the suggested npm install -D saas on the host, no change. I'm not able to get into the container and try installing it yet.

Any way, is this a known thing with a fix? Any suggestions if not? Thx!

Hello @potter-jason, I have a fix in the works for this. Let's keep this open to track the progress of it.

Ok.Sounds good. I'll test it once you push a fix.

Any update?