ml_scikitlearn_linear_regression code
hsang opened this issue · comments
Hello Rishal Hurbans,
Firstly, congratulations for your book, it is awesome.
I have a question regarding ml_scikitlearn_linear_regression code. x is usually used for the columns that we use for prediction and y for the labels we want to predict. However, in the ml_scikitlearn_linear_regression code, reg_test_x is used for price, and reg_test_y is used for carat (lines 26 and 27). Is it the other way around? Maybe I am misunderstanding something.
Hi Hsang,
Apologies for the delay. I also responded to your comments on the Manning discussion forum for the book a short while ago. Thank you for your feedback. I really appreciate it.
Someone else also raised the inversion of the usual convention for those variables in that chapter. I will look into it, and update this repo when / if the book content is updated. I hope this helps?
Thank you very much for your replies and congratulations again for your awesome book.
Thank you very much @hsang.