rishabh199 / E-Commerce-Application

E - Commerce Application

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


E - Commerce Application

  • The aim is to get familiarized with microservices , coding practices and devops
  • tools. Create three(or more) microservices which are capable of communicating with
  • each other. The communication can be as REST API calls. For example , inventory,
  • cart and payment are three different microservices. Inventory services takes care of
  • maintaining the items inventory. Cart service takes care of adding item to the cart ,
  • displaying items in cart etc . And payment takes care of confirming the orders
  • payment. Always think of developing the application in an incremental way.
  • Phase 1 Microservices driven by Test cases
  • Step 1: Choose your database(SQL or NoSql) and model the data . (Note: you
  • should be modelling data keeping in mind all the necessary entities . For example ,
  • you need two types of users - customers and Admins .Customer is the real customer
  • who holds a cart. Admin is someone who loads the inventory into the system
  • Step 2: Build your microservices and expose the necessary Rest APIs . Eg: v1/
  • update/inventory (for admins to add inventory) , v1/add/item (for customer adding
  • item to the cart) etc
  • Step 3: Create test case which cover 100 customers checkout flow in parallel.
  • That is - Add item to the cart - View cart- payment done- Order confirmed - inventory
  • reduced(As the item is bought by someone). As there is no UI to load initial data,
  • your test cases should do a setup of test data before running the tests.
  • Step 4: Create docker compose - This should run the above created tests after
  • bringing up docker containers of all your microservices and the database
  • Notes:
    1. Name the application . Try to understand best practices. Always think of best
  • performance of application
    1. You can ignore Authentication in Phase 1. Only thing you can check is
  • availability of the user /cart/item in the DB before doing any operations.
    1. Test your endpoints during development using the SOAPUI or any similar
  • tools
    1. Try to solve Race condition if possible which can occur in Step 3. Your
  • microservices should be handling concurrency . Eg: if 100 people are trying to
  • access an item which is having only 5 available quantity, all customers should be
  • able to add item to the cart, but only the first 5 who completed payment will get the
  • item. Remaining 95 people will get an error message on or before payment that the
  • item is not available.
    1. No need to think much about payment- Make a dummy payment when the
  • service is called.
  • Phase 2: Application beta with basic UI
  • In this phase we can focus on bringing the application to the real users.
  • Step 1: Create a microservice which is for the UI of the application. Create
  • basic UI fields .Eg: A login screen -> A page which shows all items with a button to
  • add item to cart -> A page which shows the customers cart-> A dummy payment
  • page -> A order confirmation page.
  • Step3: Add authentication for customer login
  • Phase 3: Application in cloud
  • Deploy the application in cloud.
  • <>
  • Technologies/concepts
  • Golang and Golang frameworks
  • Docker
  • Docker compose
  • Microservices
  • Rest API
  • Unit test
  • IBM cloud
  • Kubernetes
  • Tools
  • GIT/BIT bucket
  • JIRA/any other


E - Commerce Application


Language:HTML 57.8%Language:Go 41.9%Language:Dockerfile 0.2%