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The CI doesn't trigger the Clippy action

dyxushuai opened this issue · comments

Independent issue for tracking the CI problem. The original discussion: #64 (review)

My opinion: #64 (comment)

I think it doesn't add Clippy component in the risc0/risc0/.github/actions/rustup action.
Perhaps we can add the snippet:

	components: clippy
    name: clippy
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    timeout-minutes: 30
    - uses: actions/checkout@v3
        submodules: recursive
    - uses: risc0/risc0/.github/actions/rustup@release-0.18
        components: clippy
    - uses: risc0/risc0/.github/actions/sccache@release-0.18
    - uses: risc0/clippy-action@main
        reporter: 'github-pr-check'
        fail_on_error: true
        github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
        clippy_flags: --workspace --all-targets --all-features -- -Dwarnings

In general, the CI triggers reviewdog [clippy] (e.g. https://github.com/risc0/zeth/runs/19521165223). However, it seems to depend on the module 🤔
Maybe it is related to the fact that clippy does not work from the command line...

In general, the the CI triggers reviewdog [clippy] (e.g. risc0/zeth/runs/19521165223). However, it seems to depend on the module 🤔 Maybe it is related to the fact that clippy does not work from the command line...

I got lots of context from you. I want to give the issue a try in the coming days.