ripienaar / nats-kv-leader-elect

NATS Key-Value Store based Leader Election

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A Leader Election system that uses keys in a NATS Key-Value Store to perform leader election.


NATS KV Buckets have a TTL, creating a bucket with a TTL of 1 minute will imply that a leader has to maintain his leadership by updating the bucket more frequently than 1 minute.

The NATS KV Interface has a Create() function that will only succeed if the key does not already exist, thus a worker who is campaigning for leadership will regularly attempt to create data in the key, whoever manages to do this becomes the leader.

A leader will then regularly, around 75% of TTL time, do a Update() on the key ensuring that the sequence number is the sequence number of his last Update(), as long as this series is maintained he knows he is still the leader. Failure to Update() is a leadership loss.

If the leader fails to update the key within TTL, the key will expire and one of the campaigners will have a successful Create() call, so leadership is switched.


We have some hard-coded limits just to keep things from being too aggressive:

  • Shortest bucket TTL is 30 seconds
  • Longest bucket TTL is 1 hour
  • Shortest campaign interval is 5 seconds
  • Shortest delta from campaign interval to bucket TTL is 5 seconds

When a leadership is gained the leader is only notified that it is won after the campaign interval - 75% of the TTL - this ensures that any previous leader had a chance to stand down.

Additionally, a back-off is supported that can slow down campaigns by non leader candidates. Using this the TTL can be kept low, leadership switches be handled without a long sleep and campaigns by candidates do not need to be too aggressive. It also implies that if a leadership is lost that leader will, initially, re-campaign aggressively, in practise this results in leadership staying relatively stable in periods of network uncertainty or cluster reboots.


$ nats kv add --ttl 5m ELECTIONS 
kv, _ := js.KeyValue("ELECTIONS")

elect, _ := NewElection("member 1", "election", kv,

// blocks until stopped, calls the handleBecomingLeader() and handleLosingLeadership() functions on change


We have a demo program in cmd directory, this requires a DEMO_ELECTION bucket:

$ nats kv add --ttl 31s DEMO_ELECTION 

It also requires a nats context setup that connect to your nats network, use the nats context add CLI to do that. Without setting CONTEXT like below it will use your default selected context, same as the CLI.

$ go install
$ CONTEXT=election election

To test failover functions, delete the key being campaigned against:

$ nats kv del DEMO_ELECTION demo

A few environment variables can be set to influence the test program:

Environment Description Default
NOSPLAY Set to 1 to disable initial sleep that spreads campaigners 0
KEY The key to campaign against demo
CONTEXT The nats context to connect with, when empty uses the default selected one
WORKERS How many workers to start 10


R.I.Pienaar / @ripienaar /


NATS Key-Value Store based Leader Election


Language:Go 100.0%