riolubruh / YABDP4Nitro

Yet Another BetterDiscord Plugin for Nitro features. Unlock screensharing modes, use cross-server and gif emotes and much more!

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[Bug Report] Nitro User's Animated Profiles Stops Animating if YABDP is Enabled

StShAzzy opened this issue · comments


user's profile pictures don't animate for every user who has one
same goes for banners used to

not animating when enabled

animating when disabled


do you think it's a easy fix? my friend suggested me to try and fix it and then open a PR, but i got no idea on where to start, so... depending on your answer i could give a try at JS, althrough i got minimal idea on how i code on it

Should be fixed in latest patch.


i'm sad to announce to you, that... it only fixed banners


or discord is just fucking with me because of caching


weird... some animate, some don't
for instance the user i showed off in the gifs, animated the banner, but not the profile picture, but the profile picture of Carl-Bot (the bot) does animate, for whatever reason

Honestly I don't have any way to test real nitro animated profile pictures cause i have no friends lol (aka I don't want to bother the people on my friends list with nitro)


i don't have nitro at the time... but i can still find some people random people to test this with, or just bother my friend with it