riolubruh / YABDP4Nitro

Yet Another BetterDiscord Plugin for Nitro features. Unlock screensharing modes, use cross-server and gif emotes and much more!

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UserPFP-BetterFolders Incompatibility

Kagetora120903 opened this issue · comments

There's a big compatibility issue with Zerthox's BetterFolders plugin resulting in massive performance issues, when both plugins are enabled.
I opened an issue on Zerthox's github and that's what they told me : "Quick glance over the code gives me the impression the performance issues are caused on YABDP4Nitro's side. Considering it's not an approved plugin, I won't be investing any more time towards this for now. You should open an issue on their github."

OS : Win11
Discord : latest version (stable)
Latest version on both plugins + latest version of BD

Looking into it, it seems that the cause of the issue comes from the UserPFP CSS causing a forced reflow. Disabling UserPFP Integration fixes the lag. If you import the CSS of UserPFP the "intended" way (via Custom CSS), the lag comes back, meaning that this is most likely a problem caused on UserPFP's side.
The issue could be fixed on the plugin's end by not importing UserPFP's CSS at all and instead parsing through UserPFP's data.json, but that will be a bit of a pain in the ass to implement.

I don't really understand what the UserPFP integration does but I disabled it and everything works fine with both plugins enabled now :)

I don't really understand what the UserPFP integration does but I disabled it and everything works fine with both plugins enabled now :)

UserPFP is a separate database of custom user profile pictures. Basically, by enabling it, you should see people with free custom pfps a little more often.