rinnakk / japanese-clip

Japanese CLIP by rinna Co., Ltd.

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imagenet japanese class names

rom1504 opened this issue · comments

Awesome repo

Could you please share the imagenet class names / prompt you used for zero shot evaluation?

I'm trying to build a good evaluation framework for clip (https://github.com/LAION-AI/CLIP_benchmark) and having these class names in other languages would be valuable

Thanks for your help!

Thank you for your interest in our work.
We used the following file as the imagenet class names and converted them to {}の写真 as prompts, which means a photo of {}.

@rom1504 Hi, I have an update for this. We released v0.2.0 and the imagenet japanese prompt templates were different from the previous one v0.1.0. The new 37 prompt templates were cleaned up for Japanese lang based on the OpenAI 80 templates. For example, a photo of the {} and a photo of a {} are identical in Japanese.