rime / librime

Rime Input Method Engine, the core library

Home Page:https://rime.im

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

When commit_code is issued, input buffer is still displaying

Victrid opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
When commit_code is issued, input buffer is still displaying and

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the bug:

  1. Set patch.ascii_composer.switch_key.Shift_L to commit_code
  2. Type something, and press Shift_L to commit and enter ascii mode
  3. The input buffer still displaying
  4. Press another key, the character is missing

Expected behavior
Should not continue to display input buffer and the following key should be put on screen directly.



Flavor(please complete the following information):
Select your flavor:

  • ibus-rime
  • fcitx-rime
  • fcitx5-rime
  • Squirrel
  • Trime
  • Weasel


Additional context
This could be a regression issue. The packages are installed from Arch Linux:

fcitx5 fcitx5-rime Having this problem?
5.1.1-1 5.1.2-1 No
5.1.4-1 5.1.3-1 Yes
5.1.5-1 5.1.3-1 Yes

This could be a bug of fcitx5-rime since you don't show which librime version it uses.