Rikj000 / CleanChat-AutoClearChannel-Docker

A self-hosted Discord bot, made compatible with dokku & docker for easy deployment!

Home Page:https://www.alexandernorup.com/CleanChatAutoClearChannel

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A self-hosted Discord bot, made compatible with dokku & docker for easy deployment!

The current place where you can find all CleanChat AutoClearChannel Docker Documentation! The current place where you can find all Official CleanChat AutoClearChannel Documentation! ICONOMI - The world’s largest crypto strategy provider Buy me a Coffee as a way to sponsor this project! GNU General Public License

CleanChat ACC (AutoClearChannel),
is a simple self-hosted Discord bot which can automatically delete messages after a certain delay in a channel.
It also includes a purge command for easily purging loads of messages really quickly.
The bot itself is a replacement for the AutoClearChannel in CleanChat.

Here is a small tutorial video showing what AutoClearChannel can do,
and how to make a server via the hosting service with no prior knowlegde of the bot.


Table of Contents


WARNING: The bot is self-hosted meaning that you will have to host it yourself!

There are multiple options for self-hosting:


  1. Create a new application on the Discord Developer Portal
  2. Configure your new application as following:
    • Go to Bot
      • Click add bot
      • Disable public bot
      • Enable all Privileged Gateway Intents
    • Go to OAuth => URL Generator
      • Select Scopes: bot
      • Select Bot Permissions:
        • Manage Webhooks
        • Read Messages/View Channels
        • Send Messages
        • Send Messages in Threads
        • Manage Messages
        • Manage Threads
        • Read Message History
      • Copy the Generated URL & use it to add your Bot to your server

Docker Installation

  1. Make sure you have docker installed on your server.
  2. Download the latest CleanChat AutoClearChannel Docker
  3. Unzip the .zip package on your computer.
  4. Copy & rename the config.json.sample file to config.json.
  5. Configure the newly renamed config.json file, make sure to replace your DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN.
    (See: Configuration)
  6. Build the docker container, from command line in the root directory of CleanChat ACC Docker:
    # Build & tag the CleanChat-ACC container
    docker build --no-cache -t clean-chat-acc .

After the configuration you can run your container using:

# Run the CleanChat-ACC container with a custom name
docker run -it --name clean-chat-acc clean-chat-acc

Dokku Installation

dokku is an awesome tool to deploy software to docker containers hosted on a server,
all with a simple git push!

On your server:

  1. Make sure you have dokku & docker installed on your server.
  2. Create a new (empty) dokku app using: dokku apps:create clean-chat-acc (Or any other name you like)

On your client PC:

  1. Make sure you have git installed on your client PC.
  2. Download the latest CleanChat AutoClearChannel Docker
  3. Unzip the .zip package on your computer.
  4. Copy & rename the config.json.sample file to config.json.
  5. Configure the newly renamed config.json file, make sure to replace your DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN.
    (See: Configuration)
  6. Initialize & configure a git repository from command line in the root directory of CleanChat ACC Docker:
    # Initialize a git repository
    git init
    # Connect your git repository to your remote dokku server (Replace <DOKKU_SERVER_IP> with yours)
    git remote add clean-chat-acc dokku@<DOKKU_SERVER_IP>:clean-chat-acc

After the configuration you can start to commit & push changes from your client to your dokku server as following:

# Add all files (with changes) in the directory to the git repository
git add .
# Give your changes a proper name
git commit -m "⚡️ Updated `config.json`"
# Push & deploy the changes on your master branch to your dokku server
git push clean-chat-acc master

Native Installation

  1. Make sure you have .NET 6.0 installed on your server:
  2. Download the latest CleanChat AutoClearChannel Portable or Windows
  3. Unzip the .zip package on your computer.
  4. Copy & rename the config.json.sample file to config.json.
  5. Configure the newly renamed config.json file, make sure to replace your DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN.
    (See: Configuration)
  6. Run the execute-able from command line in the root directory of CleanChat ACC:
    • Portable: dotnet CleanChat-AutoClearChannel.dll
    • Windows 64 & 32: CleanChat-AutoClearChannel.exe


Latest version is: v1.0.6.0

Version Download Link
Docker CleanChat-AutoClearChannel-Docker-Latest
Portable CleanChat-AutoClearChannel-v1.0.6.0-Portable-DotNet-6.0.zip
Windows 64 CleanChat-AutoClearChannel-v1.0.6.0-Win-x64.zip
Windows 32 CleanChat-AutoClearChannel-v1.0.6.0-Win-x86.zip

The Portable build runs on all systems, but requires .NET 6.0. For native Linux users, you can download a free CleanChat-Auto-Updater-Script.sh that will keep the bot updated.
Download and save as CleanChat-Auto-Updater-Script.sh, and launch that when you run the server.

The Windows builds obviously only runs on Windows, however they don't require .NET 6.0.
The drawback is then that the file-size is a lot bigger.


The bot is configured through the config.json file, placed in the same root directory as the execute-able.

The config.json file looks like as following, make sure to replace DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN with the bot-token of your Discord application:

  "bottoken": "DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN",
  "statusText": "AutoClearChannel provider",
  "outputJsonLog": false

Here's a table of all the properties of the config.json file:

Property Value Type Description
bottoken Discord Bot Token Your token from the Discord Developer Portal
statusText string What the bot will be apearing to be "playing"
outputJsonLog boolean If set to true, the log will be displayed in JSON format


Below you'll find a long list of commands.

If you click on a command,
you'll be taken to an explanation of that command,
along with use cases for set command.

All commands needs to start with you tagging your bot.
This means you have to put @YourBotName#1234 in front of every command, before it works!


Command Description
help Displays info about the usage of all available commands
autoclearchannel Automatically clean your channels
status Shows current settings
reset Resets settings
forcepublicreply Answers to your commands in the channel instead of DM
purge Mass-delete commands


Displays info about the usage of all available commands.


@Bot help


Aliases: autoclearchat, acc

This command can be used to automatically clear a channel after a specified time.

That means if you set it at 5 seconds,
then the bot will delete every message after they have each spent 5 seconds in chat.

The delay is set in milliseconds or a "formatted time string"

"Formatted time strings" looks like this:

Format Meaning
2s "2 Seconds"
5m1s "5 Minutes and 1 Second"
10h6m10s "10 Hours, 6 Minutes and 10 seconds"
2s500ms "2 Seconds and 500 Milliseconds"

So basically a number, and then a letter representing a time unit.

Format Meaning
ms "Milliseconds"
s "Seconds"
m "Minutes"
h "Hours"
d "Days"

If you want to remove a autoclearchannel again, you must either set the deletion delay to 0 or use reset.


@Bot autoclearchannel <#channel> <time in ms | formatted time string>

Show/hide argument information

Example of used correctly:

@Bot autoclearchannel #channel 5s


Shows current configuration of the bot.


@Bot status


The bot forgets everything about your server.
Can be used if you want to start-over.


@Bot reset


Aliases: fpr

If enabled, the bot will always reply in chat, instead of in DM's.
This feature is useful if you don't want people on your server to be able to DM you,
but you still want to use the bot.


@Bot forcepulicreply <true | false>

Show/hide argument information

Example of used correctly:

@Bot forcepublicreply true


Aliases: p

Will delete set number of messages from chat.
You can only delete a maximum of 100 messages per command execution.

The bot will skip any pinned messages.

If a user is specified, the bot will only delete messages sent by that user.

Filters: This command supports filters. The following filters are available:

Filter Usage Description
contains contains:<string> Deletes the message if it contains the
startswith startswith:<string> Deletes the message if it starts with the
endswith endswith:<string> Deletes the message if it ends with the
withimage withimage Deletes the message if it has an image attached
withoutimage withoutimage Deletes the message if it does not have an image attached
regex regex:<regex> Deletes the message if it matches the (Advanced)

Note: The bot can only mass-delete messages that're under 14 days old.
This is a limitation set by Discord, which I can't do anything about, even if I wanted.


@Bot purge <number> [user | filter] [filter]

Show/hide argument information

Examples of used correctly:

@Bot purge 50

@Bot purge 25 @UserName#1234

@Bot purge 25 contains:banana

Internet Archive - Clean Chat Backups


A self-hosted Discord bot, made compatible with dokku & docker for easy deployment!


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Dockerfile 100.0%