rikimaru0345 / Ceras

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How to serialize DataSets / DataTables?

theRainbird opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

  • What are you trying to do?
    I try to serialize System.Data.DataSet types with Ceras.

  • What do you think should happen?
    They should be serialized to byte[] properly.
    May be I have to set some special config to allow DataSet seralization, but I don't know what to do.
    The FAQ says nothing about DataSets.
    I don't care if DataSets are rated bad or insecure by some people, because I have large applications with a big code base that I don't want to write from scratch.

  • What is actually happening?
    I'm getting a Ceras.Formatters.BannedTypeException: The type 'System.Data.DataSet' cannot be serialized, please mark the field/property that caused this Type to be included with the [Exclude] attribute or filter it out using the 'ShouldSerialize' callback. Specific reason for this type being banned: "This type can be exploited when deserializing malicious data". You should open an issue on GitHub or join the Discord server for support.
    at Ceras.Formatters.BannedTypes.ThrowIfBanned (System.Type type) [0x0017e] in :0
    at Ceras.CerasSerializer.CreateMetaData (System.Type type, System.Boolean isStatic) [0x0001f] in :0
    at Ceras.CerasSerializer.GetReferenceFormatter (System.Type type) [0x00000] in :0
    at Ceras.CerasSerializer.Serialize[T] (T obj, System.Byte[]& buffer, System.Int32 offset) [0x00055] in :0
    at Ceras.CerasSerializer.Serialize[T] (T obj) [0x00010] in :0
    at CerasDataSetDemo.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x000f6] in :0

How to reproduce the bug
Here is my example code to reproduce the issue:

        var dataSet = new DataSet("TestDataSet");
        var table = new DataTable("Person");
        var personIDColumn = table.Columns.Add("PersonID", typeof(int));
        personIDColumn.AutoIncrement = true;
        personIDColumn.AutoIncrementSeed = -1;
        personIDColumn.AutoIncrementStep = -1;
        table.Columns.Add("FirstName", typeof(string));
        table.Columns.Add("LastName", typeof(string));
        table.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] {personIDColumn};
        var row = table.NewRow();
        row["FirstName"] = "Max";
        row["LastName"] = "Mustermann";
        row["FirstName"] = "Maxine";            
        var ceras = new CerasSerializer();            
        byte[] raw = ceras.Serialize(dataSet);
        var dataSet2 = ceras.Deserialize<DataSet>(raw);            
        Console.WriteLine(dataSet2.Tables["Person"].Rows[0]["FirstName", DataRowVersion.Original]);


  • I'm using Ceras for net4.7+

I don't care if DataSets are rated bad or insecure by some people, because I have large applications with a big code base that I don't want to write from scratch.

Ok, whatever, I won't stand in your way 😝

You can compile the code yourself, comment out the corrosponding part here:


But it is not a bug, the concern is valid.
If you add a setting that enables one to turn off those bans, I'd merge it (assuming it is off by default).

Thank you so much.
This will help.

Sorry for tagging this issue as bug. You're right, DataSet serialization has security issues and so it should only be used in a trusted environment and never exposed to the Internet.

I'll try to extend settings with a "AllowDataSetSerialization" property, which is set false by default.

I am going to second this request. I actually have a large number of applications that make use of large datatables and being able to cache these in something like redis would really help. I tried to muck with the BannedTypes but ran already into issues serializing CultureInfo. So an effort on DataTable would really be appreciated.

@andreasmaier-abt Alright, noted.
I'll add it to my todo list. But but it's probably going to take a while before I can make time to work on Ceras again (sorry ☹️).

  • Add a way to disable specific type-bans

but ran already into issues serializing CultureInfo.

What exactly is the problem with CultureInfo?
I never really worked with it, but after looking at: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.globalization.cultureinfo.-ctor?view=netframework-4.8#System_Globalization_CultureInfo__ctor_System_Int32_
it seems like its basically just an int.

But if someone creates their own CultureInfo (based on some existing one and then just changing some properties), it's a little bit more complicated to serialize.

Anyway, whatever the issue with it is, adding support for it in Ceras is most likely very easy.