rigetti / grove

Quantum algorithms built using pyQuil.

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ising fails with Internal Server Error

spakin opened this issue · comments

The ising function works fine when I give it tiny sets of hs and Js. I then tried the following, larger problem:

#! /usr/bin/env python

from grove.ising.ising_qaoa import ising

h = [-1, 2, 0, -1, -1, 2, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0]
J = {(0, 1): -1, (0, 4): 1, (0, 6): -4, (0, 7): -2, (1, 3): -1, (1, 4): -1, (1, 5): 2, (1, 7): 2, (1, 10): 1, (2, 3): -4, (3, 5): -2, (3, 10): -1, (4, 7): -2, (4, 8): -4, (5, 10): 2, (9, 10): -4, (9, 11): 2}

res = ising(h, J, verbose=True)

This produced a server response that gave Grove a tummy upset. See attached.

The error message asks to post this as a pyQuil issue, but I figured I'd start here in case Grove is somehow at fault.

— Scott


I have the same error when I try to run QAOA for large number of clauses (>30) even for steps=1 and 8 number of qubits. For small number of clauses there is no error.

— Tim