riddhi-jain / DSAready

This is a beginner-friendly project aiming to build a problem-set on different data structures and algorithms in different programming languages.

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Bulb Switcher III

riddhi-jain opened this issue · comments

There is a room with n bulbs, numbered from 1 to n, arranged in a row from left to right. Initially, all the bulbs are turned off.

At moment k (for k from 0 to n - 1), we turn on the light[k] bulb. A bulb change color to blue only if it is on and all the previous bulbs (to the left) are turned on too.

Return the number of moments in which all turned on bulbs are blue.

Input: light = [3,2,4,1,5]
Output: 2
Explanation: All bulbs turned on, are blue at the moment 3, and 4 (index-0).

can I send a code for this question?