richinfante / iphonebackuptools

iOS Backup Data Extraction

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Changing dirs

MoDerPo opened this issue · comments

ibackuptool --output C:\Users\username\Downloads\Backup

  -V, --version                   output the version number
  -l, --list                      List Backups
  -b, --backup <backup>           Backup ID
  -d, --dir <directory>           Backup Directory (default: C:\Users\username\Apple\MobileSync\Backup)
  -r, --report <report_type>      Select a report type. see below for a full list.
  -i, --id <id>                   Specify an ID for filtering certain reports
  -f, --formatter <type>          Specify output format. default: table
  -e, --extract <dir>             Extract data for commands. supported by: voicemail-files, manifest,
  -o, --output <path>             Specify an output directory for files to be written to.
  -v, --verbose                   Verbose debugging output
      --plugins <plugins>         List of pluging modules to use
      --filter <filter...>        Filters output for individual reports.
      --regex-filter <filter...>  Filters output for individual reports using a regular expression.
      --join-reports              Join JSON reports together. (available for -f json or -f raw only!)
      --no-color                  Disable colorized output
      --dump                      alias for "--formatter raw"
      --quiet                     quiet all messages, except for errors and raw output
      --available                 output a list of available reports
  -h, --help                      display help for command

Version: 4.0.1

Run ibackuptool --available for a listing of report types.

If you're interested to know how this works, check out my post:

Issue tracker:

Same goes for specifying the Backup Directory
My username has no space in it and I'm using the global command line tool.