richhollis / swagger-docs

Generates swagger-ui json files for Rails APIs with a simple DSL.

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swagger-ui no route matches

wonderer007 opened this issue · comments

I am generating swagger docs using rails 5 API, below is my swagger.rb

class Swagger::Docs::Config
  def self.base_api_controller

    "1.0" => {
        :controller_base_path => "",
        # the extension used for the API
        :api_extension_type => :son,
        # the output location where your .json files are written to
        :api_file_path => "public",
        # the URL base path to your API
        :base_path => "http://localhost:3000/api",
        # if you want to delete all .json files at each generation
        :clean_directory => false,
        # add custom attributes to api-docs
        :attributes => {
            :info => {
                "title" => "Bookstore App",
                "description" => "This is an API for an online bookstore",
                "termsOfServiceUrl" => "",
                "contact" => "",
                "license" => "Apache 2.0",
                "licenseUrl" => ""

I have able to run
rake swagger:docs
successfully and it generated .json file inside public/api folder but I cannot be able to access swagger docs UI through my base path which is http://localhost:3000/api I think I am doing something wrong here

Thanks for reading

Try manually adding a "/" to basePath in api-docs.json

  "apiVersion": "1.0",
  "swaggerVersion": "1.2",
  "basePath": "/",
  "apis": [
      "path": "some path",
      "description": "some description"
  "authorizations": null

This did fix it for me but I am still trying to figure out how to solve the problem permanently because it will refresh once you run rake swagger:docs


As a temporary fix i did .sh script

#!/bin/bash -

set -o nounset # Treat unset variables as an error

sed 's/"basePath": "",/"basePath": "/ipa-swagger",/' public/ipa-swagger/api-docs.json > public/ipa-swagger/api-docs-tmp.json;
mv public/ipa-swagger/api-docs-tmp.json public/ipa-swagger/api-docs.json;

#This is the path to my files in my case

for i in $FILES
sed 's/"basePath": "",/"basePath": "/",/' $i > $i-tmp;
mv $i-tmp $i;


for i in $FILES
sed 's/"basePath": "",/"basePath": "/",/' $i > $i-tmp;
mv $i-tmp $i;

Every time you want to refresh your swagger docs you'll have to run

rake swagger:docs && ./

Hopefully it helps :)