ricemery / Assertions2AssertJ

Intellij Plugin to convert Junit and Hamcrest Assertions to AssertJ

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Setting to only convert Hamcrest, but not JUnit assertions?

soc opened this issue · comments


I had a look at the plugin page, but couldn't find any settings.

Is this something that could be made possible?


Hi Rice,

my comment was probably not clear – I was wondering whether it is possible to configure it to only convert Hamcrest assertions, but to leave JUnit asserts alone. (Basically only convert assertThat.)



(Completely unrelated: IntelliJ reported two exceptions in your plugin – are you interested in the stacktraces?)


Ok, thanks! Would you a PR be welcome, if I manage to find the time to look into the source?


Cool, thanks!


Thanks for the hints!

I agree, I think the hardest part is figuring out how to create a settings page for the plugin, add some checkboxes to it, and wire them up.