riccardocadei / Metropolis-Hastings-for-optimization

Deploying a 5G Network in a country

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Metropolis-Hastings algorithm for optimization


In telecommunications, 5G networks are the next generation of broadband cellular networks. Telecommunication companies are actively testing and starting to roll them out in different parts of the world. The task of this project is to deliver a roadmap to test this new network while optimizing the cost of the maintenance of the new installations. We propose a Metropolis-Hastings based algorithm to find an approximate solution to this problem.

More information about the problem can be found in the folder references.


The project is accomplished by team Aquarium with members:


The project has been developed and test with python3.6. The required library for running the models are numpy,pandas andscipy. The library for visualization is matplotlib.

Project structure

Istances generator

DatasetGenerator.py: generators of instances of the problem


helpers.py: useful functions to define the problem

markov_algos.py: Metropolis-Hasting based algorithm implementation


main.ipynb: hyper-parameter tuning and answers to the problem


references/report.pdf: a 4-pages report of the complete solution

references/pb_statement.pdf: the problem statement of this project


Deploying a 5G Network in a country

License:MIT License


Language:Jupyter Notebook 95.5%Language:Python 4.5%