ricardoher12 / cloudformation

Scripts to create a WordPress server using a RDS

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Cloud Fromation (WordPress Server)

Scripts to create a WordPress server using a RDS. The AWS's services used are the following:

  • CloudFormation
  • VPC (Subnets, SecurityGroups)
  • RDS (MySql)
  • EC2


The rdhrCF.yml file is the master file for the cloud formation, in which all the stacks (VPC, RDS and EC2) stacks are created with their respective parameters.

VPCCloudFormation file

The VPCCloudFormation.yml is the file in which VPC, security groups and publics and privates subnets are configurated. With this template only 3 publics and 3 privates subnets are created. This file has the following parameters:

  • VPCCidr: The CIRD that you will use in your network
  • PublicSubnet1Cidr: the CIDR of the first public subnet
  • PublicSubnet2Cidr: the CIDR of the second public subnet
  • PublicSubnet3Cidr: the CIDR of the third public subnet
  • PrivateSubnet1Cidr: the CIDR of the first private subnet
  • PrivateSubnet2Cidr: the CIDR of the second private subnet
  • PrivateSubnet3Cidr: the CIDR of the third private subnet

RDSCloudFormation file

In the RDSCloudFormation.yml the RDS for wordpress is configured. This template has the following parameters:

  • DBInstanceID: the database's ID
  • DBName: the database's namne
  • DBInstanceClass: the instance's type of the EC2 that will be used to create the data base
  • DBAllocatedStorage: The storage thar will be available for the database
  • DBUsername: the database's username
  • DBPassword: the password that will be used to connect to the database
  • DBSecurityGroup: the security group that the database will be using
  • PrivateSubnetList: the subnets on which the database will be hosted

EC2CloduFormation file

In the EC2CloduFormation.yml file the EC2 instance for wordpress is configured, this template has the following parameters:

  • KeyName: the shh key's name that will be used to connect to the instance, once it's created.
  • SecurityGroup: the security group that will be attached to the instance.
  • EC2Image: the image that will be used to create the instance.
  • InstType: the type of EC2 instance that will be used.
  • VPC: the vpc in which the instance will be hosted.
  • Subnet: the subnet that will provide the instance's IP address
  • InstanceName: the instance's name
  • DBName: the db name to which wodrpress will connect tp
  • DBUser: the username of the db used for wordpress
  • DBPass: the password of the db used for wordpress
  • DBHost: the database's url to which wordpress will connect to
  • InstName: the EC2 instance's name

Project Diagram

Cloud Fromation Diagram


Scripts to create a WordPress server using a RDS