rhysd / Shiba

Rich markdown live preview app with linter

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Shiba v0.5.1 displays 2 scrollbars

opened this issue · comments

I'm seeing an extra layer of scrollbars in Ubuntu 15.04 Gnome 3.14 GTK+ 3.14


Could you tell me your configuration (config.yml)? It may help to reproduce this bug.

Sure, but I tested this with and without config.yml in ~/.config/Shiba and both conditions have the same issue.

    responsive: false
        - "md"
        - "markdown"
        - "mkd"
        - "txt"
        - "html"
    visible: false
    list-item-indent: space
    maximum-line-length: false
    no-html: false
    "g g": "PageTop"
    "shift+g": "PageBottom"
    ctrl+o: "ChangePath"
    i: ""
    m: ""
    q: "QuitApp"

Thanks. I'll try in Ubuntu. At least this seems not to occur in OS X.

I have the same issue on ubuntu.

screenshot from 2015-09-23 19 45 28

I could reproduce this with Ubuntu and fixed in ef9b296. Default margin of body element caused this issue.

I published Shiba v0.5.2. Could you check it if you can?

It's fixed for me! Thanks!! 👍

I'll wait for @garaemon to report in before closing. But I imagine it's fixed for them as well.

👍 it's fixed!

awesome. thanks @rhysd 🏆