rhydlewis / kanban-tools

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Kanban Tools

  • A set of tools to help produce data about your Kanban system.
  • Currently very Jira-specific but more to follow...

Jira Tools


  • requires ruby 2.1.x or later (might work with default Mac OS X ruby install (1.9.3) but not tested)
  • depends on:



# gem install jira-ruby
# gem install table_print


  1. Copy the file jira-settings.yaml.example and rename as jira-settings.yaml.
  2. Update the 5 configuration options to suit your Jira install:
    • username - your username
    • password - your password
    • max_results - maximum number of results you want to return
    • jira - your Jira URL
    • use_ssl: true if your Jira install uses https:// or false if it uses http://
  3. Copy the file statuses.yaml.example and rename as statuses.yaml
  4. Add your project's workflow statuses into this file using the format 'Status Name: true|false'.

The example file contains:

To Do: true
In Progress: true
Done: true


  • 'To Do' is a valid Jira status and:
    • 'true' means you want to see the first time an issue transitions for this status
    • 'false' means you want to see the last time an issue transitions for this status


Given a JQL query, the tool tries to show information about the transition history for each issue found.

For example, Jira project TEST contains 2 issues (TEST-1 and TEST-2). Running:

./history.rb "project = TEST"

produces the following output:

KEY    | SUMMARY       | TYPE  | STATUS      | CREATED    | TO DO      | IN PROGRESS | DONE      
TEST-2 | Example task  | Task  | Done        | 2015-07-13 | 2015-07-13 |             | 2015-07-15
TEST-1 | Example story | Story | In Progress | 2015-07-13 | 2015-07-13 | 2015-07-13  |           


-f, --format <format>            Specify either <json> or <csv> output instead of a simple table
-o, --output <file>              Write results to <file>
-h, --help                       Usage help
-v, --verbose                    Enable verbose logging. Helps with debugging.

JSON Output


./history.rb -f json "project = TEST"


[{"key":"TEST-2","summary":"Example task","type":"Task","status":"Done","created":"2015-07-13","To Do":"2015-07-13","In Progress":null,"Done":"2015-07-15"},{"key":"TEST-1","summary":"Example story","type":"Story","status":"In Progress","created":"2015-07-13","To Do":"2015-07-13","In Progress":"2015-07-13","Done":null}]

CSV Output


./history.rb -f csv "project = TEST"


key,summary,type,status,created,To Do,In Progress,Done
TEST-2,Example task,Task,Done,2015-07-13,2015-07-13,,2015-07-15
TEST-1,Example story,Story,In Progress,2015-07-13,2015-07-13,2015-07-13,

TSV Output

(Useful if you want to copy and paste straight into a spreadsheet). Running:

./history.rb -f tsv "project = TEST"


key	summary	type	status	created	To Do	In Progress	Done
TEST-2	Example task	Task	Done	2015-07-13	2015-07-13		2015-07-15
TEST-1	Example story	Story	In Progress	2015-07-13	2015-07-13	2015-07-13

Outputting to file


./history.rb -f csv -o output.csv "project = TEST"

to write the results to the filename provided.

Future updates

  • support for lead time calculation based on 2 statuses of your choice



Language:Ruby 100.0%