rhoderickj / plsql-language

plsql-language for vscode

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

PL/SQL (Oracle) for Visual Studio Code

This extension adds support for the PL/SQL (Oracle) to Visual Studio Code.


Full syntax highlight for PL/SQL files based on oracle-textmate-bundle

An advanced customization can be done by using an extensionDependencies, follow this exemple

Go to Symbol


  • to procedures, functions
  • to constants, variables, type, subtype, cursor (declared in spec/body part of a package)

Image of Symbol

Go to Definition

Navigate to methods (procedures and functions) with some limitations :

  • Go to a symbol (see Go to Symbol) in the same file
  • Go to a symbol (see Go to Symbol) in another file whose name includes the package or method name.
    e.g.: XXX_MyPackage.pkb or XXX_MyFunction.sql

Image of Definition

Define search paths

Use the settings plsql-language.searchPaths to specify where to search.

  • null (default) search in all workspaces.
  • ${workspaceFolder}: limit search in current workspace
  • ${workspaceFolder: name}: limit search by name of workspace
  • ${workspaceFolder: index}: limit search by index of workspace
  • path: limit search in this folder

You can specify multiple locations by using an array.
e.g.: ["${workspaceFolder: pl}", "C:/Develop/MyProjects/Oracle"]


Generate detailed documentation automatically for procedures and functions. Image of Documentation

Use Ctrl+Space (like others snippets) when the caret is on an empty line, above a function or a procedure declaration, a 'special' snippet is generated. (with prefix __doc by default)

The default template is here.
(don't modify this file, it'll be overwritten with the update of the extension !)

    plsql-language.pldoc.path:   to define your own snippet and specify its location
    plsql-language.pldoc.author: to define the author.
    plsql-language.pldoc.enable: to disabled this feature

To customize:

  • Create your own file pldoc.json.
    Don't change the default file because it'll be overwritten the next time you update this extension
  • Define the path (folder only) to your custom file by using the setting plsql-language.pldoc.path

If documentation begins with /** (double stars), it'll appear in Signature, Hover, Completion.


There is intelliSense for package members (autocompletion from package files).

You can also define your own completion for tables/fields. An exemple is here.
(don't use this file, it'll be overwritten with the update of the extension !)

    plsql-language.completion.path: to specify its location


Some snippets available

    plsql-language.snippets.enable: to disabled snippets defined in this extension


For this extension works with .sql files you must change your settings (user or workspace) like this:

    "files.associations": {
       	"*.sql": "plsql"


You can configure a list of connection in settings and use the active one in your tasks (see below). Use the command: PLSQL - Activate connection or click on status bar.

Image of Connections

The oracle db connection feature is still under constuction, this is a preview version. To activate it plsql-language.oracleConnection.enable: true (false by default)

You can run the current SQL statement (CTRL+ENTER). If no selection, run current command delimited by character /

  • Don't use or select character ; on a select statement.
  • Don't select character /

Image of RunCmd

You can also run an SQL statement from another extension like this:

    // To access db from another extension
    // Use active connection
    try {
         const result = await vscode.commands.executeCommand('plsql.executeCommand', {sql: 'SELECT LAST_NAME FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE FIRST_NAME = :NAME', params: ['John']})
    } catch(err) {

    // Or create a specific connection
    try {
        // with connection params
        // let _connection = await vscode.commands.executeCommand('plsql.createConnection', {user: 'hr', password: 'hr', connectString: 'localhost:1521/xe' })
        // or with a tag to find in setting of connections
        let _connection = await vscode.commands.executeCommand('plsql.createConnection', {tag: 'hr'})
        const result = await vscode.commands.executeCommand('plsql.executeCommand', {sql: 'SELECT LAST_NAME FROM EMPLOYEES', connection: _connection})
        await vscode.commands.executeCommand('plsql.removeConnection', {connection: _connection});
        _connection = null;
    } catch(err) {



  • node-oracledb is used externally to use pre-built node-oracledb binary
  • npm install oracledb is automatically executed on the first activation (when using connection) and installed here: .../.vscode/extensions/xyz.plsql-language-_version_\server-oracle\node_modules\oracledb
  • Please consult node-oracledb site to resolve issues when installation failed.
  • vscode extensions don't supports binary node module. (This is the reason why command npm install oracledb is executed.)


  • List of connections in settings.
  • Complete fields list in settings (connect as...)
  • Connect to DB
  • Execute SQL
  • Run file as a script
  • Auto-complete

Compile / Task

You can compile a PLSQL package with sqlplus, create a task like this:

            "version": "2.0.0",
            "tasks": [{
                    "label": "sqlplus",
                    // Run sqlplus
                    "command": "sqlplus",
                    // Alternative (see below)
                    // "command": "run_sqlplus.bat",

                    "args": ["username/password@sid", "@\"${file}\""]
                    // Alternative: use active connection defined in settings
                    // "args": [${config:plsql-language.connection.activeInfos}, "@\"${file}\""]

To force sqlplus to complete, it is better to use a batch file like this:

            echo exit | echo show errors | sqlplus %1 %2

This will run sqlplus, output any errors, and then exit cleanly back to VS Code.
Thanks to @mortenbra (issue #5)


plsql-language for vscode

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 85.0%Language:JavaScript 5.2%Language:PLSQL 4.0%Language:HTML 3.4%Language:CSS 2.3%Language:PLpgSQL 0.1%