rhasspy / larynx

End to end text to speech system using gruut and onnx

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Keyboard Shortcut

yaoberh opened this issue · comments

Hey! Just wondering if it is possible to implement a keyboard shortcut functionality?


You can do it using xclip or similar tool to get selections, and assign it to a keyboard shortcut using your desktop environment.

For example using GNOME:

  1. Write a script containing the following:

     larynx -v en "$(xclip -selection primary -out)"
  2. Save it somewhere in your PATH, e.g. ~/.local/bin/tts

  3. In GNOME Settings > Keyboard > Custom Shortcuts, create a new shortcut with the command tts. I have chosen Super + D as the shortcut key.

  4. Now you can select text in programs such as a browser or text editor and press Super + D to read it using larynx.

Thanks! Working