rgrove / larch

:skull: Larch copies messages from one IMAP server to another. No longer maintained.

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Segfault with Larch 1.1.1 and Amalgalite 1.1.2 Segfaults When Fetching Message Flags on ~4GB Gmail Account

xee5ch opened this issue · comments


I have been using Larch 1.1.1 installed via gem to migrate a sizable Gmail account to my Fastmail account over the last week or so on and off, always closing with SIGUSR1 calls to the running larch instance. Trying to today, I repeatedly got a segfault at this stage, but I never got this error thrown before.

mymacbook:cwd ajstein$ larch 'gmail to fastmail'
[12:55:55] [info] [<] connected to imap.gmail.com on port 993 using SSL
[12:56:01] [info] [>] connected to mail.messagingengine.com on port 993 using SSL
[12:56:03] [info] imap.gmail.com/[Gmail]/All Mail -> mail.messagingengine.com/INBOX.Archive
[12:56:10] [info] [<] [Gmail]/All Mail: fetching latest message flags...
/Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/amalgalite-1.1.2/lib/amalgalite/database.rb:322: [BUG] Segmentation fault
ruby 1.8.7 (2012-02-08 patchlevel 358) [universal-darwin10.0]

I was able to resolve it by upgrading sqlite gem install sqlite3 and installing the dev version of Larch with gem again gem install --pre larch. It now appears to be working. Not sure if you knew about this (searching the issues I do not see anything). Not sure if you support the stable version through Github anyway.


Definitely made a difference. I was able to transfer about 5K messages this way. I know the issue is kind of resolved, but not sure you want to handle it. Will leave it as per your discretion.

Larch no longer uses Amalgalite as of version 1.1.2, so this shouldn't be a problem anymore. Thanks for the heads-up, though!