rgrinberg / opium

Sinatra like web toolkit for OCaml

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Is "not_found" function not available?

koji-k opened this issue · comments


I cloned this opium repository.
and executed build (cd examples; dune build @examples)
No problem.

Then i started to create a new sample opium project.(to lean this framework)

  1. create a new directory.
  2. create dune file
  3. create hello_world.ml


 (libraries re ezjsonm opium logs.fmt opium_kernel)
  (pps ppx_sexp_conv))
  (:standard -safe-string))
 (names  hello_world))

 (name examples)
 (deps hello_world.exe))


open Opium.Std

let hello =
  get "/hello/" (fun _req ->
      `String ("Hello") |> respond')

let default =
  not_found (fun _req ->
      `Json Ezjsonm.(dict [("message", string "Route not found")]) |> respond')

let _ = App.empty |> default
  |> App.run_command

Then executed dune build hello_world.exe
But i got a following error at this time.

[koji:hello_opium]$ dune build hello_world.exe
File "hello_world.ml", line 8, characters 2-11:
8 |   not_found (fun _req ->
Error: Unbound value not_found

Is this expected behavior?
Is not_found function available only by example?

the not_found function was added recently and its not available on the version published on the opam registry. You can access it if you pin opium and opium_kernel to thee version in this repository.

opam pin add opium_kernel.dev --dev-repo
opam pin add opium.dev --dev-repo

Thank you very much for your quickly helpful answer!
I could understand the situation.

You are welcome!