rghorbani / react-native-general-calendars

React Native Calendar Components 📆

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Jalaali calendar does not work correctly when "current" props set by jalaali date

SaeedZhiany opened this issue · comments

Here is my code,
when I set correspond gregorian date or not set the current props, calendar is working properly and it set to current date of system in jalaali mode. but it doesn't when I manually set the date in props.

export default class App extends Component<Props> {
  render() {
    return (
      <View style={styles.container}>
              onDayPress={(day, localDay) => {console.log('selected day', day, localDay)}}
              // Handler which gets executed when press arrow icon left. It receive a callback can go back month
              onPressArrowLeft={substractMonth => substractMonth()}
              // Handler which gets executed when press arrow icon left. It receive a callback can go next month
              onPressArrowRight={addMonth => addMonth()}
                  borderWidth: 1,
                  borderColor: 'black',
                  height: 350
              // Specify theme properties to override specific styles for calendar parts. Default = {}
                  backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
                  calendarBackground: '#ffffff',
                  textSectionTitleColor: '#b6c1cd',
                  selectedDayBackgroundColor: '#00adf5',
                  selectedDayTextColor: '#ffffff',
                  todayTextColor: '#00adf5',
                  dayTextColor: '#2d4150',
                  textDisabledColor: '#d9e1e8',
                  dotColor: '#00adf5',
                  selectedDotColor: '#ffffff',
                  arrowColor: 'orange',
                  monthTextColor: 'blue',
                  textDayFontFamily: 'monospace',
                  textMonthFontFamily: 'monospace',
                  textDayHeaderFontFamily: 'monospace',
                  textMonthFontWeight: 'bold',
                  textDayFontSize: 16,
                  textMonthFontSize: 16,
                  textDayHeaderFontSize: 16


for more details, I bring here result of onDayPress function.

result of press on day 1

'selected day', { year: 1397,
                   month: 5,
                   day: 21,
                   timestamp: -18069955200000,
                   dateString: '1397-05-21' }, { year: 776,
                   month: 3,
                   day: 1,
                   timestamp: -18069955200000,
                   dateString: '0776-03-01' }

result of press on day 15

'selected day', { year: 1397,
                   month: 6,
                   day: 4,
                   timestamp: -18068745600000,
                   dateString: '1397-06-04' }, { year: 776,
                   month: 3,
                   day: 15,
                   timestamp: -18068745600000,
                   dateString: '0776-03-15' }

Is it a bug or I am doing something wrong in my code?

@SaeedZhiany You should use gregorian for the functionality.
For example: