rfjakob / earlyoom

earlyoom - Early OOM Daemon for Linux

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Correct PID but incorrect victim name

PLPeeters opened this issue · comments

We're using EarlyOOM on a JupyterLab (1.X) instance. I created a notebook where I just created some huge strings to eat some memory and when it got killed, the correct PID was logged, but the process name was wrong.

Before creating the last string that generates the OOM, I checked htop:

Screenshot 2020-04-30 at 13 45 59

EarlyOOM logged this:

Apr 30 11:46:14 <hostname_removed> earlyoom[1000]: Out of memory! avail: 82 MiB < min: 230 MiB
Apr 30 11:46:14 <hostname_removed> earlyoom[1000]: Killing process 7981 htop

So the PID is correct, but the name isn't (also, htop was still running after that, so it clearly killed the right PID).

I then generated OOMs in a JupyterLab Terminal with tail /dev/zero and in a Python shell in said terminal to see if the JupyterHub environment could be the issue in itself, and there the logs are fine (as expected after reading through #65).

What version do you use?

Interesting, I was assuming it was the last one but apparently it's version 1.0, despite being freshly installed via apt on Ubuntu 18.04... Is that expected behaviour?

Ubuntu offers an outdated version.

Found a PPA with a backport of 1.3, which fixed my issue! Perhaps it might make sense to add a warning to the README for this?