rfilkov / AzureKinectUnityFree

Azure Kinect Examples for Unity (free version)

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Any ways for restarting the K4A-sensors connections during runtime

gfsd20433 opened this issue · comments


I'm new to the Azure Kinect dk and I would like to know any ways to reconnect the K4A-sensor without restarting the program.

The render textures usually freeze within a minute. And Unity doesnt shows any errors or messages about disconnections.

I have test the sensors with the Azure Kinect Viewer and found that the sensors conenections will be disconnected very easily, especially the color camera enabled.

I guess it is because Im using the usb extension cable, and which causes the time-out.
I also try connecting the sensor to the PC directly. It can stream a longer time, but it will disconnect eventually.

Hope if there is any solutions. Thank you.

I think the main reason that causing unstable signal is because the cable I use is USB 3.0, while the azure kinect is suggested to use USB3.1

I will get a new cable later so I will close the issue. If there is no further problem I will leave it there.