rfdonnelly / scma-gcal-sync-rb

Fetches SCMA (Southern California Mountaineers Association) events and imports them into Google Calendar

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

google-api-client deprecated

rfdonnelly opened this issue · comments


git clone git@github.com:rfdonnelly/scma-gcal.git
cd scma-gcal
git checkout 519454c24db79716da43346f7a24886f36cd453a
bundle config set --local path vendor/bundle
bundle install


Post-install message from google-api-client:
The google-api-client gem is deprecated and will likely not be updated further.

Instead, please install the gem corresponding to the specific service to use.
For example, to use the Google Drive V3 client, install google-apis-drive_v3.
For more information, see the FAQ in the OVERVIEW.md file or the YARD docs.