rfdonnelly / jobrnr

Jobrnr runs jobs.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Allow job descriptions (*.jr) to override Jobrnr options

rfdonnelly opened this issue · comments

Determine options in the following manner

  1. Load default value
  2. Get value from environment variable
  3. Get value from command line options before dot-jr

    jobrnr <options-before-dot-jr> dot-jr.jr
  4. Get value from dot-jr
  5. Get value from command line options after job description

    jobrnr dot-jr.jr <options-after-dot-jr>


  • Load default value
  • Get value from environment variable
  • Get value from command line options before dot-jr
  • Get value from dot-jr
  • Get value from command line options after dot-jr
  • Document behavior


--max-jobs default is 1


options.max_jobs = 4

command line:

JOBRNR_MAX_JOBS=2 jobrnr --max-jobs 3 dot-jr.jr --max-jobs 5

Initial value for the --max-jobs option is 1 (default). It gets overridden by environment variable to 2. The overridden by --max-jobs option on command line to 3. Then overriden by dot-jr.jr to 4. Finally overridden to 5 by another --max-jobs option on the command line.

Might be able to use OptionParser::order to implement command-line option override of options specified in the job description (*.jr).

OptionParser::order is not viable since we need all plus options after the script on the command-line before we evaluate the script.

Instead, the solution will be to manually partition the args into pre-args and post-args then parse the pre-args, evaluate the user script, and lastly parse the post-args.