rexray / rexray

REX-Ray is a container storage orchestration engine enabling persistence for cloud native workloads

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ryanmasse opened this issue · comments

Installer and website are offline as of May 2nd.


@akutz it looks like is EOL as of May 1st. Is there a plan to host it elsewhere?

Is rerex still under active development?

@clintkitson it looks like is EOL as of May 1st and the site is down. Is there a plan to host it elsewhere?

Is rerex still under active development?

On a Linux box with Docker, look inside the Travis file to make sure you have all the necessary dependencies. Then run the following commands:

make build-all
make tgz
make rpm
make deb

This should output OS install files.

How can we install REX Ray since the bin cannot be downloaded?

Is rexRay still under active development?
curl -sSL | sh - does not work anymore!

The writing is on the wall that Rexray is a dead project y'all. No commits since 2019 lol.
We have it in production, and yeah... it's a pain.

I think overall the Docker Swarm ecosystem is dying. Just move to Kubernetes like the rest of the industry :-)

Can rexray still be installed? Is there anyone else defending this? What is the new path to install?

I build a rpm file of the current version. If someone need:
I also convert it to the current go version with go mod support. But I had to remove the vbox support. If someone would be interesting to contribute: