rexwebmedia / lizyum

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Hello thank you you are very sppedy but there some issues

1- There are some corruptions in the original version of the theme. For example, the theme has expanded. Some shadows have been removed. // 2- I did not want the button added to the right of the logo. 3- There is a misunderstanding about the log in button. I wanted the button itself to be replaced. You made a dropdown menu. // 4- You have taken the middle search area too high. 1-2-3 boxes are too close to the search area. // 5- Logo and menu texts are not aligned. // 6- Let's use the Twitter icon as a circle. // 7- There should be no menu icon on mobile. // 8- The links in the Popular Service area will be 2 columns on mobile and will be left aligned. 2. They should not slip into the line. // 9- FAQ and Sitelink search box schemas are not added.

<div class="absolute right-0 mt-3 rounded-md bg-white opacity-0 pointer-events-none group-hover:pointer-events-auto group-hover:opacity-100 transition duration-400 shadow-sm" style="width:248px;z-index:2;">
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