rev087 / ng-inspector

The AngularJS inspector pane for your browser


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Order data ahead of functions (or allow that to be selectable.)

opened this issue · comments

Angular inspector is a huge time saver for me. But as my application has grown, I'm spending more and more time scrolling down past my 100+ Javascript functions to inspect my model data, which I do A LOT. I would be most convenient if data was displayed at the top of the list of controller contents, or that the order is selectable (data first or functions first, etc.). Also, being able to pin the inspector open between manual page refreshes would also save me considerable time, not having to reopen the inspector and then navigate back to my model when a full page refresh is required to pull in new page contents.

Thanks for your consideration.
