reujab / silver

A cross-shell customizable powerline-like prompt with icons

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


sumanthratna opened this issue · comments

  • details on specifying colors should be added to the documentation
  • hex codes aren't applied
    • e.g., user:717171:white isn't showing a gray background


      Lines 81 to 88 in bb22207

      fn escape_hex(color: &str) -> String {
      u8::from_str_radix(&color[0..2], 16).unwrap(),
      u8::from_str_radix(&color[2..4], 16).unwrap(),
      u8::from_str_radix(&color[4..6], 16).unwrap(),

This works fine if you build from source. This feature doesn’t exist yet in a release.