retro / graphql-builder

GraphQL client library for Clojure and ClojureScript

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Use graphql with file-contents instead of file names

Luke1298 opened this issue · comments

In order to get shadow cljs to hot reload with defgraphql it would be nice if there was another macro that did all but the "read file" step of defgraphql -- or alternatively a flag or something.

(Shadow cljs supports a "rc/inline" which handles setting up a watch on a file, but it also reads said file)

Happy to make PR if you think it's a good idea!

Hmmm... Actually I played around with this-- it seems like: would first have to have a method to handle a string rather than a file.

Turns out putting a list of: (rc/inline "operation1.graphql") will actually cause a namespace reload anyway. So this is probably completely unnecessary.

@Luke1298 what is rc namespace in this case?

It is shaodw.resource.

(ns my-stuff
   [graphql-builder.parser :refer-macros [defgraphql]]
   [shadow.resource :as rc]))
(rc/inline "operations.graphql")
(defgraphql gql-queries "src/graphql_ops/operations.graphql")
(def gql-query-map (gql/query-map gql-queries {:inline-fragments true}))

@retro ^^ What @heneryville said... Sorry for the lack of response.