retreev / PangLib

Series of tools to interact with Pangya PC MMO game files

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Fix parsing of apet files

pixeldesu opened this issue · comments

Currently, any file with the extension .apet cannot be parsed.

As a test, trying to parse e_def.apet from Season 8, throws following exception:

Unable to read beyond the end of the stream.
   at System.IO.BinaryReader.FillBuffer(Int32 numBytes)
   at System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadSingle()
   at PangLib.PET.Helpers.AnimationReader.ReadAllAnimations(BinaryReader sectionReader, Version version) in D:\Projects\pangyatools\PangLib\PangLib.PET\Helpers\AnimationReader.cs:line 36
   at PangLib.PET.PETFile.Parse(Stream data, Boolean catchExceptions) in D:\Projects\pangyatools\PangLib\PangLib.PET\PETFile.cs:line 116