resthub / springmvc-router

Adds route mapping capacity to any "Spring MVC based" webapp. Uses Router implementation.

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@ModelAttribute support

bclozel opened this issue · comments

Add test cases and implement @ModelAttribute support:

So, I'm actually considering dropping the custom routerhandleradapter and rely on spring3.1 default one.
I will push some changes on issue_6 branch.

With this branch, springmvc-router covers all new Spring 3.1 features... and BC breaks.
So the codebase won't be Spring 3.0 compatible anymore.

@BradHouse - should I delay this for a future version?

I don't think you should delay.

merged in master

Thanks for that fix! I'm still testing, but it seems springmvc-router now has everything my application needs.

Great. Release 0.7 is on its way, I'd like to ship it with as much as BC-breaks as possible.

Perfect, thanks.

Everything runs very well. I was affraid some things like "@PathVariable" (in front of an action method's parameter) wouldn't work as expected but they actually seem to do!

One thing I still don't understand is why the names of the controllers have to have their first letter lowercased (in the routes file and when reverse-routing them)? My controller name is not "testController", it's "TestController". I don't see why it is required to lowercase the first letter to make your routing system work?

The only other thing I see missing is a taglib for jsp (I don't use Freemarker or Velocity)... But that shouldn't be hard to implement by myself.

Thanks again for this project!

(Sorry if this is not the right place to discuss all this, since it's not really related to the @ModelAttribute issue... Is there a better place?)


I'll open an issue regarding a JSP taglib (or you can contribute your own if you want to).
Opening issues is a good way to start; I thought about creating a discussion group for questions/announcements. Would that work out for you?

I don't feel confortable enough to contribute (I'm very new to github, and I still use svn for my projects), but the taglib is really easy to code anyway (it took me 15 minutes).

A forum is a good idea!

Springmvc-router is now fully integrated to my new application structure. Thanks again for that, I really prefere this kind of routing to the annotations based one.