resonatecoop / id

Resonate Coop ID Server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

weird text - "Your tenantadmin name"

peteratomic opened this issue · comments

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Screen Shot 2022-08-24 at 4 34 41 PM

also linguistically and visually this looks odd:

Update peter profile

think a better version of that would be:

Update profile for _____

That should work for a wider range of possible usernames.

another minor thing about updating the profile... since it auto saves changes, the "update" button could be disabled if there's nothing left to save. creates some uncertainty whether it HAS been saved or what to do next.

Your role was set to tenantadmin instead of just admin. It's not a feature of the role system we currently use. I fixed that.

Maybe it can just be your display name instead.