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Retry with OpenFeign Add-On not working

kaszuster opened this issue · comments

Resilience4j version: 2.2.0
OpenFeign version: 12.0

Java version: 17

When using OpenFeign via Resilience4j, retry ist not working as expected. My tests indicate, the the default Feign Retryer is used instead. To me, it looks like, the retry decorator is not being applied.

My goal is, to disable OpenFeign's retry mechanism and use Resilience4j instead.

There is also a Test Resilience4jFeignRetryTest, that checks the functionality of the retry, but its actually never asserted, because an Expected Exception is thrown before.

    @Test(expected = FeignException.class)
    public void testFailedHttpCallWithRetry() {
        retry = Retry.of("test",RetryConfig.custom().retryExceptions(FeignException.class).maxAttempts(2).build());
        final FeignDecorators decorators = FeignDecorators.builder()
        testService = Resilience4jFeign.builder(decorators)
            .target(TestService.class, MOCK_URL);
        // never executed and never true, because testService.greeting(); throws a FeignException

Can I work on this bug, please assign to me

Done :D

Hi, I tried to reproduce, but it looks to be working fine for me.

I could see that Resilience retry is getting used to invoke feign client.
I was also see at server logs, the number of retries ( I tired 4 and then 2) were also as per resilience 4j retry config

Here is the code:

public class ResTests {

public void testRes() {
		Retry retry = Retry.of("test",RetryConfig.custom().retryExceptions(FeignException.class).maxAttempts(4).build());
		 final FeignDecorators decorators = FeignDecorators.builder()
		 BackendService testService = Resilience4jFeign.builder(decorators)
		            .target(BackendService.class, "http://localhost:8080");



the stack trace at unit test I get shows resilience 4j invoker:

feign.FeignException$NotFound: [404] during [GET] to [http://localhost:8080/ex3/foos] [BackendService#getData()]: [{"timestamp":"2024-01-19T05:43:51.929+00:00","status":404,"error":"Not Found","path":"/ex3/foos"}]
at feign.FeignException.clientErrorStatus(
at feign.FeignException.errorStatus(
at feign.FeignException.errorStatus(
at feign.codec.ErrorDecoder$Default.decode(
at feign.AsyncResponseHandler.handleResponse(
at feign.SynchronousMethodHandler.executeAndDecode(
at feign.SynchronousMethodHandler.invoke(
at io.github.resilience4j.retry.Retry.lambda$decorateCheckedFunction$7bb28b04$1(
at io.github.resilience4j.feign.DecoratorInvocationHandler.invoke(

at jdk.proxy2/jdk.proxy2.$Proxy118.getData(Unknown Source)
at com.amit.test.demo.resbug.ResTests.testRes(
at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.forEach(
at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.forEach(

Also the since I did not mock the webservice call, hence I was able to see server access logs where I could see retried URLS as per number configured in retry config.
Hence It is not an issue.


I investigated a bit more, here is what i found out:

I cloned and altered io.github.resilience4j.feign.Resilience4jFeignRetryTest#testFailedHttpCallWithRetry from original:

    @Test(expected = FeignException.class)
    public void testFailedHttpCallWithRetry() {
        retry = Retry.of("test",RetryConfig.custom().retryExceptions(FeignException.class).maxAttempts(2).build());
        final FeignDecorators decorators = FeignDecorators.builder()
        testService = Resilience4jFeign.builder(decorators)
            .target(TestService.class, MOCK_URL);
    public void testFailedHttpCallWithRetry() {
        retry = Retry.of("test",RetryConfig.custom().retryExceptions(FeignException.class).maxAttempts(2).build());
        final FeignDecorators decorators = FeignDecorators.builder()
        testService = Resilience4jFeign.builder(decorators)
            .target(TestService.class, MOCK_URL);
        try {
        } catch (Throwable e) {
        verify(2, getRequestedFor(urlEqualTo("/greeting")));

        try {
        } catch (Throwable e) {
        verify(4, getRequestedFor(urlEqualTo("/greeting")));

My finding is, that what @amitarcade said is true. The originally implementation of the test made me believe that retry.getMetrics().getNumberOfFailedCallsWithRetryAttempt() returns the number of actual calls, but it does not. Anyway, this is a problem, that is not relevant for Feign but for Resilience4j.

However, i tried to reproduce my problem and the following test shows it:

    public void testSlowHttpCallWithRetry() {
        final Request.Options feignOptions = new Request.Options(1L, TimeUnit.SECONDS, 1L, TimeUnit.SECONDS, true);
        retry = Retry.of("test",RetryConfig.custom().retryExceptions(FeignException.class).maxAttempts(2).build());
        final FeignDecorators decorators = FeignDecorators.builder()
        testService = Resilience4jFeign.builder(decorators).options(feignOptions)
                .target(TestService.class, MOCK_URL);
                        .withHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain")
                        .withBody("hello world")));
        try {
        } catch (Throwable e) {
        verify(2, getRequestedFor(urlEqualTo("/greeting")));

In this test i do force the Feign Client to fail fast (1 second timeouts). I expect Resilience4j and Feign to retry 1 more time, but it does 10 times:

com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.client.VerificationException: Expected exactly 2 requests matching the following pattern but received 10

It looks like the Resilience4j and Feign retries do multiply. @RobWin is this expected behavior?
Adding the following configuration (manually disable Feign Retryer) results in 2 requests:

final Retryer retryer = new Retryer.Default(100L, 1_000L, 0);
testService = Resilience4jFeign.builder(decorators).options(feignOptions).retryer(retryer)
                .target(TestService.class, MOCK_URL);

There can be issue with Wiremock, please check
Maybe try ApacheClient as an alternative

As others in the issue mentioned, i dont think this is Wiremock related. The HTTP Client might be initializing retries, but thats exactly what i want to configure. :)

There is definitely a correlation between RetryConfig#maxAttempts and Retryer.Default#maxAttempts. The actual number of calls is always the multiplication of both values.

For me, this is unexpected but it might be desired for a reason i do not get.

Consider a scenario where you employ an HTTP client with an inherent retry mechanism that automatically retries three times upon encountering a 500 status code, subsequently resulting in a thrown HttpServerErrorException. Simultaneously, you integrate Resilience4j Retry. In the absence of explicitly ignoring the HttpServerErrorException, the HTTP calls undergo additional retries through Resilience4j Retry. Consequently, this leads to a compounding effect on the overall retry attempts.

Is that the scenario what you are currently facing with Feign, but with 404 status code?


The HTTP Client throws a Read timed out (wrapped within a RetryableException), because the configured "read timeout" is exceeded. This seems to lead to cascading calls of both retry implementations thus in compounding retries.

Valid calls (+response without timeout) with status code 500 (did not check 404) act differently. Seemingly Feign's retry implementation is not triggered.