Instructions to run on more Defects4J projects
thanhlecongg opened this issue · comments
Hi @khaled-e-a,
I wonder if you can kindly advise me on how to create a suitable jar for Slicer4J from Defects4J. I have tried to compile a Defects4J project using their "defects4j compile" and then create a jar using jar cf but it seems to be not working. Particularly, when using jar produced by jar cf, I got nothing from the trace log. I guess there may be some mismatch leading to my produced jar are not compatible with Slicer4J. I'd really appreciate it if you could share the way you construct your benchmark projects.
Thank you very much.
Best regards,
Thank you for your interest in Slicer4J!
Using the "defects4j compile" is the right way, did you check that the compiled defects4j jar works first before slicing it?
Can you also please share more details about what is not working, like are you running the script or using the Slicer4J JAR? which command did you use? what are the outputs you got? etc.
Thank you.
Hi @khaled-e-a, thank you for your kind advise. Please see more details as follows:
- About jar file, I have constructed by run the following commands:
# Compile defects4j project
defects4j compile
# Build jar file from classes
jar cf jd.jar target/classes/* target/test-classes/*
to create "jd.jar" file. I have checked it run correctly using the following command:
java -cp "JacksonDatabind_3b/jd.jar:JacksonDatabind_3b/target/test-classes/:JacksonDatabind_3b/target/dependency/*:JacksonDatabind_3b/target/classes/" org.junit.runner.JUnitCore com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.TestArrayDeserialization
and got the similar output of Defects4J, i.e. a failure of NullPointerException. However, compared to the command used in your code, I need add one more classpath, i.e., JacksonDatabind_3b/target/classes/
- When I run slicer4J using I got nothing results from trace.log_icdg.log, making it fail on line 145. I have tried to debug and found that it happens as instrumentation command failed with the following error:
[main] INFO Slicer - main (216): Started Slicer4J
[main] INFO JimpleWriter - initialize (17): Initializing Instrumenter
[main] INFO JimpleWriter - initialize (30): Initialization done
[main] INFO JimpleWriter - start (37): Running packs ...
[main] INFO JimpleWriter - start (39): Writing output ...
[main] INFO JimpleWriter - start (41): Output written ...
[main] INFO JavaInstrumenter - initialize (72): Initializing Instrumenter
[main] INFO JavaInstrumenter - initialize (92): Initialization done
[main] INFO JavaInstrumenter - start (247): Running packs ...
[Thread-58] ERROR heros.solver.CountingThreadPoolExecutor - Worker thread execution failed: null
at ca.ubc.ece.resess.slicer.dynamic.core.instrumenter.InstrumenterUtils.basicBlockInstrument(
at ca.ubc.ece.resess.slicer.dynamic.slicer4j.instrumenter.JavaInstrumenter$2.internalTransform(
at soot.BodyTransformer.transform(
at soot.Transform.apply(
at soot.BodyPack.internalApply(
at soot.Pack.apply(
at soot.PackManager.runBodyPacks(
at soot.PackManager.lambda$runBodyPacks$0(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Exception in thread "main" Exception in thread "Thread-58" java.lang.NullPointerException
at ca.ubc.ece.resess.slicer.dynamic.core.instrumenter.InstrumenterUtils.basicBlockInstrument(
at ca.ubc.ece.resess.slicer.dynamic.slicer4j.instrumenter.JavaInstrumenter$2.internalTransform(
at soot.BodyTransformer.transform(
at soot.Transform.apply(
at soot.BodyPack.internalApply(
at soot.Pack.apply(
at soot.PackManager.runBodyPacks(
at soot.PackManager.lambda$runBodyPacks$0(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at ca.ubc.ece.resess.slicer.dynamic.core.instrumenter.InstrumenterUtils.basicBlockInstrument(
at ca.ubc.ece.resess.slicer.dynamic.slicer4j.instrumenter.JavaInstrumenter$2.internalTransform(
at soot.BodyTransformer.transform(
at soot.Transform.apply(
at soot.BodyPack.internalApply(
at soot.Pack.apply(
at soot.PackManager.runBodyPacks(
at soot.PackManager.lambda$runBodyPacks$0(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
I'm guessing that my jar there is something different from your jar, making Slicer4J run wrongly.
Thank you very much. Have a nice day.
Thank you @thanhlecongg, can you please attach the jar file (or email it to me) so I can replicate the issue?
Thank you.
Hi @thanhlecongg
Appologies for the late response as I got busy with other projects.
There were issues with compiling benchmarks with declared Java compiler version 1.6, I bumed all those benchmarks to 1.7 in the latest commit d7b6c5b, including the JacksonDatabind-3b which now compiles successfully.
You should be able to compile and run all benchmarks successfully, including JacksonDatabind-3b, using python3
Closing this issue now as it should be fixed, please re-open if you still face this problem.