rescript-lang / rescript-compiler

The compiler for ReScript.

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Extra parentheses in pipe operator cause code to fail compilation.

Mng12345 opened this issue · comments

module Codec = {
  type encode<'v> = 'v => Js.Json.t
  type decode<'v> = Js.Json.t => result<'v, exn>
  type t<'v> = {
    encode: encode<'v>,
    decode: decode<'v>,

  let make = (encode, decode) => {encode: encode, decode: decode}

  let encode = codec => codec.encode
  let encodeString = (codec, value) => codec->encode(value)->Js.Json.stringify

  let decode = codec => codec.decode

The code above can be compiled in Rescript v10, but can not be compiled in V11.0.1
v10 playground

v11.0.1 playground

This code snippest is from the rescript-jzon library, and it prevents me from upgradding to Rescript v11.

You can use or Or prepare a PR to add V11 support for rescript-jzon. I know the author and can ping him for review. He's not using ReScript anymore, so probably he won't have time to update the package by himself. Also, you can migrate to rescript-schema 😈