requarks / wiki-heroku

Heroku deploy manifest for Wiki.js

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Heroku SSL

techgaun opened this issue · comments

Heroku provides SSL configuration setup via its ACM feature which is very convenient but I've not found a way to make it convenient to run this wiki on heroku with http to https redirection working fine. If I enable SSL_ACTIVE to true, it would try to provision cert via letsencrypt (given configs are set) but the challenge verification fails (seems like heroku does some sort of rewrite for the URL). What is the recommended setup to enable http to https redirection for Wiki deployment.

Also, on, would it be convenient to provide an override such that we can always perform override for ssl redirection regardless of configurations. For example, something like ALWAYS_SSL_REDIRECT that can be set to true or 1? At the moment, enabling httpRedirection is not enough because unless letsencrypt or custom SSL cert is setup, WIKI.servers.servers.https is not be there causing the redirect to never happen.

Heroku router expects the redirection to happen on application level. The alternative solution to having ALWAYS_SSL_REDIRECT would be to check X-Forwarded-Proto and perform redirect ( which is pretty straightforward and should work generally in other places too. Thoughts?