requarks / wiki-heroku

Heroku deploy manifest for Wiki.js

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Empty repository on 'git pull'

landreussi opened this issue · comments

Good afternoon,

I ran the command to clone the repository by following the instructions in my heroku panel

heroku git: clone -a myrepo cd myrepo

But this repository is empty

Did I do something wrong or is this a bug?

Follow the instructions in the README. Where, "this repo" is wiki-heroku. You can push it to your already configured heroku app that was deployed automatically for you.

Clone this repo
Make and commit your configuration changes
git remote add heroku
git push heroku, or if you are on a branch, git push heroku mybranch:master

I have the same problems following all the instructions from heroku. Of course I have Win10Home and no way to install docker locally. Is it really impossible to download the installed WikiJS from heroku ever again?

And how to update it? Already it installed with an old version of NodeJS (10 instead of 12).