repejota / phpnats

A PHP client for the NATSio cloud messaging system.

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Docblock specifies return type as resource

neilmcgibbon opened this issue · comments

In Connection.php, IDE complains as argument is of type \Closure, not resource. This might be a PHP version thing, but internal type \Closure has been supported since PHP 5.3

     * Subscribes to an specific event given a subject.
     * @param string   $subject  Message topic.
     * @param resource $callback Closure to be executed as callback.
     * @return string
    public function subscribe($subject, $callback)

Should be:

     * Subscribes to an specific event given a subject.
     * @param string   $subject  Message topic.
     * @param \Closure $callback Closure to be executed as callback.
     * @return string
    public function subscribe($subject, $callback)