repejota / phpnats

A PHP client for the NATSio cloud messaging system.

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Seeing timeouts for good responses

byrnedo opened this issue · comments

I just updated to 0.8.4 and started seeing that the callback hangs during the socket read, not sure if it's just my local or something else?
Has anyone seen anything like this?

Is it anything to do with the wait(2) in the request function? The signature used to have $wait=1 as the default before (public function request($subject, $payload, $callback, $wait = 1))

    public function request($subject, $payload, \Closure $callback)
        $inbox = uniqid('_INBOX.');
        $msg = 'PUB '.$subject.' '.$inbox.' '.strlen($payload);
        $this->pubs += 1;

I see that it's commit 4115fdd that changed this

Taking a look!
